
Lukas Lohkamp
PhD Student
Tel.: +49 (0)251 83 56096
E-Mail: Lukas Lohkamp


  • About me

    I am studying medicine in the 9th semester and am working on unexplained or idiopathic male infertility as part of my doctoral thesis. I am evaluating data from the special consultation for infertile men at the Center for Reproductive Medicine and Andrology Münster, looking in particular at FSH polymorphisms. The special consultation was introduced in 2018 and, in addition to standard parameters, collects extended findings, e.g. special hormone values (Anti-Müller Hormone, Inhibin B) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). The aim is to gain more information about the heterogeneous group of infertile men. In my medical thesis I would like to compare the special consultation - with the standard consultation hour to find out if the unexplained and idiopathic infertile men can be better diagnosed and/or cared for with the special consultation. I am particularly moved by the fact that the reason for patients' infertility often cannot yet be adequately explained. I would like to help identify new patient groups to make diagnoses more explainable and to enable new targeted therapies.