Daniel Haase
Medizinische Fakultät der Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität
Von-Esmarch-Straße 56, Gebäude 2352, Raum 130.111Tel.: +49 251 83-59059
Fax: +49 251 83-59060Email: d.haase@uni-muenster.de
Since 2017 – PhD student at the Institute for Cell Dynamics and Imaging,
University of Münster
2015-2017 – Master of Science in Biotechnology, University of Münster
Master Thesis in the lab of Prof. Wedlich-Söldner, Institute for Cell Dynamics and Imaging, Münster, Germany
2011-2015 – Bachelor of Science in Bio- and Nanotechnology,
South Westphalia University of Applied Science
Bachelor Thesis at Zellwerk GmbH, Oberkrämer, Germany
The role of protein-lipid interactions in yeast plasma membrane organization