In the last years the members of the working group "Kidney and angiogenesis" have been honored with the following awards and recognitions:
Preis zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses (Young Investigator Award) 2013 - Universitätsgesellschaft Münster (Dr. Giovana Seno Di Marco), Münster, Germany
ERA-EDTA Award for outstanding scientific presentation 2013 (Paper selection - European Renal Association / European Dialysis and Transplant Association) (Dr. Giovana Seno Di Marco). Theme: “The soluble VEGF receptor 1 (sFlt-1) contributes to cardiovascular disease in CKD”. Istanbul, Turkey (
Forschungsstipendium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nephrologie 2012 (Dr. Giovana Seno Di Marco). Thema: “Die Bedeutung von sFlt-1 für das renale und kardiovaskuläre remodelling in der chronischen Nierenerkrankung”. Hamburg, Germany
Georg-Haas-Preis 2012 - Verband Deutscher Nierenzentren e.V. (Dr. Maximilian König). Medical thesis: “High phosphate directly affects endothelial function by downregulating annexin II” (Kidney Int. 83(2):213-22,2013). Mannheim, Germany
ERA-EDTA Young Investigator Award2012 - European Renal Association / European Dialysis and Transplant Association (Dr. Giovana Seno Di Marco). Paris, France
ERA-EDTA Award for outstanding scientific presentation2010 (Paper selection - European Renal Association / European Dialysis and Transplant Association) (Dr. Giovana Seno Di Marco). Theme: “Cardioprotective effects of calcineurin inhibition in an animal model of chronic kidney disease”. München, Germany
Bernd-Tersteegen Preis 2009 - Verband Deutscher Nierenzentren e.V (Prof. Dr. Marcus Brand). Thema: “Soluble VEGF receptor Flt1 (sFlt-1) contributes to endothelial dysfunction in chronic kidney disease” (JASN 20(10):2235-45,2009). Mannheim, Germany