Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
Each sensor is a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID), an extremely sensitive type of magnetometer which enables us to measure the magnetic field generated by the human brain with a very high temporal resolution (< 1 ms).
The MEG system is placed in magnetically shielded room.
Specifications Neuromagnetometer-System
- 275-channel cortical CTF MEG system (type WC 2005, manufacturer: VSM Medtech. Ltd., Vancouver , Canada)
- adjustable for sitting and supine position
- continuous head motion tracking,
- fully integrated 128 channel EEG system for simultaneous MEG and EEG recordings
- audio/video monitoring
- eye tracking (EyeLink 1000 Plus, SR Research Ltd., Canada)
- recording of peripheral physiological signals (EDA, respiration)
- various response pads
- ancillary equipment for auditory (electro-static ear inserts), visual (beamer projection, TFT), somatosensory (electrical, pneumato and hapto-tactile) stimulation
- computer workstations with various stimulus control software packages (Presentation, Matlab, PTB)