
Institute for Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Domagkstraße 3, 48149 Münster

How to reach us:

By bus

We recommend using public transportation. The following bus lines depart from Münster main station approximately every 10 minutes (journey time 15-20 minutes):

DirectionsBus routeBus platform (at MAIN STATION)
Alte Sternwarte 2 C1
Dieckmannstraße 11 C1
Rüschhausweg 12 C1

Get off at the "Domagkstraße" stop and cross the road.
After approx. 30m straight ahead you will reach the main entrance of the Alte Medizinische
Clinic (Building D3), see picture.

The Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine is located on the 2nd floor on the left, the secretariat is in room 2.077 on the right (Tel.: 0251-83 55647).

By car

Navigation address: Domagkstraße 3, 48149 Münster

Parking facilities

Parking garage P&R Coesfelder Kreuz at the cafeteria (Domagkstr. 61, free of charge)

Parking garage at the dental clinic (Waldeyerstr. 28; € 1.00 per 40 minutes or part thereof; € 14.00 daily maximum price)

Subsequent walk approx. 7 or 4 minutes, see map.

Disabled people with the appropriate permits can park in front of the building!

By airplane

The international airport FMO is located north of Münster in the direction of Osnabrück
( The main train station in Münster is served every half hour by the
lines S50 (express bus) and R51 (regional bus), journey time 30 - 45 min,
Onward journey to the institute see above. A cab ride from the airport to the institute
costs approx. 56,00 €. Other airports in the vicinity are Dortmund and Düsseldorf.