Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. André Karch, MSc

  • Contact


    Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. André Karch, MSc


    Institute for Epidemiology and Social Medicine
    Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1,
    Gebäude D3
    Anfahrt: Domagkstraße 3
    48149 Münster


    phone: +49 251 83 58336  

  • Curriculum vitae

    Curriculum vitae

    Since 2018 Chair for Clinical Epidemiology (Full Professor), University of Münster
    2013 ‑ 2018 Research Fellow, Department for Epidemiology, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research
    2011 ‑ 2013 Resident and Research Fellow, Department for Neurology and National Reference Centre for Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies, University of Göttingen
    2012 Medical doctorate (Dr. med.), University of Würzburg and National Reference Centre for Menigococci („Impact of penA-polymorphisms on penicillin susceptibility of Neisseria lactamica and Neisseria meningitidis“)
    2010 ‑ 2011 Master of Science in Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
    2003 ‑ 2010 Medical School, University of Würzburg and NTNU Trondheim
  • Research


    • Neuroepidemiology (neurodegenerative diseases)
    • Infectious Diseases Epidemiology (infections of the immunocompromised host; infections with multidrug-resistant bacteria)
    • Biomarker research (CSF biomarkers; microbiome research)
    • Epidemiological and statistical methods (diagnostic and prognostic studies; mathematical modelling of infectious diseases dynamics)
  • Publications


    You can find a current publication list here.