You want to learn more about the study program Experimental Medicine?
If you would like to know more about the study program Experimental Medicine, you are perfectly right here. The study program is designed for medical students who are also interested in research. It was initiated by the Cells in Motion Cluster of Excellence and is run by the Medical Faculty of the University of Münster. At the moment more than 60 different research groups from several faculties and research institutes including the Center for Molecular Biology and Inflammation and the Max-Planck Institute for Biomedicine participate in this program.
The program focuses on enhancing practical experiences and skills needed in the world of biomedical research. Thus, most of the modules consist of a seminar series followed by an internship in different host research groups. The seminars provide the theoretical background of the diverse research areas as well as they serve as a place for scientific discussion. During the internship techniques to address a scientific question as well as experimental methods and analysis tools are learned.
The study program is composed of two (independent) parts. The Junior Class and the Master’s program.