- Experimental studies on effects of metabolic acidosis on carbohydrate metabolism of the isolated perfused rat liver. Studies on the utilisation of tritium-glucose of the isolated liver.
- Experimental studies on substrate dependennce of the sodium-transport of the isolated rat kidney, energy rich phosphate, autoregulatin of perfusion and influence of calcium and the calcium-channel blocker Verapamil. Inhibition of the tubulo-glomerular feedback by Verapamil. Influence of an inhibition of the Na/K-ATPase by ouabain on sodium transport of the isolated kidney.
- Mechanisms of proteinuria and micro-hematuria (experimental approach).
- Renal handling of uremic middel molekcules and various peptide hormons in the isolated perfused rat kidney, peptide hormon metabolism and receptor binding.
- Development of a balancing system for CAVH (continuous arterio-venous hemofiltration)
- Mechanisms of acute kidney failure. Specificities of renal oxygen supply in mammals. Oscillation phenomena of renal function analysed with oxygen supply.
- Experimental studies to the mechanisms of the regulation of erythropoietin in the isolated kidney.
- Development of new dialysis regimens- hemofiltration dialysis and separation dialysis.
- Participation in clinical studies.
- Influence of natriuretic peptides in the model of the isolated perfused rat kidney.