Members of the research group Experimental Nephrology received the following awards during the recent years:
- 2018 European Phoniatrics EUHA Hearing Award (2nd price) for the work „Human OCT2 variant c.808G>T confers protection effect against cisplatin-induced ototoxicity“
- 2016 Miriam Dibos, USA-Stipend for students by the Biomedical Exchange Program (BMEP)
- 2015 Christian Schmidt-Lauber, Dissertation price by the medical Faculty of Münster University (Video)
- 2014 Alexander Grabner, Poster award at the 23. Congress of the German Transplantation Society in Mannheim, Germany
- 2014 Alexander Grabner, Poster award at the 6. Congress of the German Society for Nephrology in Berlin, Germany
- 2013 Ralph Rose, USA-stipend for students by the Biomedical Exchange Program (BMEP)
- 2013 Ralph Rose, Research project for students of the University of Münster
- 2012 Beatrice Hirsch, Young Investigator Award of the Epithelial Transport Group at the Experimental Biology 2012 congress in San Diego, USA
- 2012 Alexander Grabner, 3. price of the Young Investigator Awards of the German Society of Internal Medicineand best communication in the category Nephrology
- 2012 Markus M. Rinschen, Dissertation award of the Medcal Faculty Münster
- 2012 Svenja Holle, Tecan-Award der Fa. Tecan für die Entwicklung einer neuen ex vivo Methode zur Transportanalyse in islolierten Nierentubuli
- 2012 Bayram Edemir, International Early Career Physiologist Travel Award der Federation of the American Societies of Experimental Biology (FASEB)
- 2011 Markus M. Rinschen, Rainer-Greger dissertation award of the German Society of Nephrology
- 2011 Markus M. Rinschen, Epithelial Transport Group Young Investigator Award of the American Physiological Society (APS) at the Experimental Biology Congress, Washington DC
- 2011 Markus M. Rinschen, Research project for students of the University of Münster
- 2011 Jan Czogalla, USA-Stipend for students by the Biomedical Exchange Program (BMEP)
- 2011 Christian Schmidt-Lauber, USA-Stipend for students by the Biomedical Exchange Program (BMEP)
- 2011 Alexander Grabner, Poster award at the congressof the German Society of Nephrology
- 2011 Britta Schulze-Blasum, price at the Science Day of the Medical Faculty Münster
- 2010 Alexander Grabner, Young FEPS-poster award at the Joint Meeting of the Scandinavian and German Physiological Societies
- 2010 Laura Schenk, USA-Stipend for students by the Biomedical Exchange Program (BMEP)
- 2009 Jens Klokkers, Poster award at the congress of the German Society of Nephrology
- 2009 Markus M. Rinschen, 2. price at the Science Day of the Medical Faculty Münster
- 2008 Stefan Reuter, Poster award at the European Dialysis and Transplantation congress
- 2008 Christian Albiker, USA-Stipend for students by the Biomedical Exchange Program (BMEP)
- 2008 Markus M. Rinschen, USA-Stipend for students by the Biomedical Exchange Program (BMEP)
- 2008 Gert Gabriëls, Teacher of the year "clinic" of the Medical Faculty Münster
- 2007 Stefan Reuter, Poster award at the congress of the German Society of Nephrology
- 2007 Christian Albiker, 1. price at the Science Day of the Medical Faculty Münster
- 2005 Mariya Iordanova, 3. price at the Science Day of the Medical Faculty Münster
- 2005 Giuliano Ciarimboli, Poster award at the congress of the German Society for Nephrology
- 2004 Ana Velic, Best dissertation award of the Medical Faculty Münster