Welcome to Münster's Fluorescence Microscopy Facility (FM)2.
Here you have the opportunity to shed some light on your questions using high resolution fluorescence microscopy.
We can analyse your samples with these microscopy methods:
• different types of STORM,
• STED microscopy,
• light-sheet microscopy, and
• confocal microscopy.
The microscopes are partly commercial (Leica, Abberior, and Nikon) and partly developed in-house.
The facility is open to the University Hospital of Münster (Universitätsklinikum Münster) and the University of Münster.
Please contact us to discuss if your questions are accessible to our microscopes.
Dr. Jana Hüve
Fon: +49(251) 83-55138
E-Mail: jana.hueve@uni-muenster.de