„Neurogenic Dysphagia“ Research Group
Our research focusses on basic science aspects of the brain control mechanisms of swallowing as well as on state-of-the-art diagnostic methods, innovative treatment strategies and clinically relevant consequences of dysphagia. In cooperation the the Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis we apply magnetoencephalography (MEG) to investigate cortical swallowing processing in health and disease, e.g. in patients with Parkinson’s disease, stroke or neuromuscular diseases, with a special interest in the mechanisms of action of non-invasive neuromodulatory stimulation strategies. In clinical trials we evaluate the safety and efficacy of Pharyngeal Electrical Stimulation and Transcranial DC Stimulation in enhancing neurogenic dysphagia rehabilitation in different clinical entities. We use Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) for scientific and clinical purposes and developed and validated various standardized investigation protocols for specific needs. In cooperation with the gastroenterology department we apply high-resolution manometry to identify disease-specific disturbance pattern of the paryngeal and esophageal swallow stage.
The following topics and projects are currently being addressed:
- The role of post-extubation dysphagia for airway management in neurointensive care patients
- Neural correlates of dysphagia in dementia and atypical Parkinsonian syndromes
- Classification of dysphagia disturbance pattern in myositis
- Characterization of functional and effective connectivity within the swallowing network with MEG and fMRI
- Biological determinants and neural compensation mechanisms of presbyphgia
- Effect of Capsaicin on neurophysiological and clinical parameters swallowing function
- Improving our understanding of neurostimulation therapies for dysphagia to optimize stimulation protocols
Selected Publications
Cheng I, Bath PM, Hamdy S, Muhle P, Mistry S, Dziewas R, Suntrup-Krueger S. 2024 Predictors of pharyngeal electrical stimulation treatment success in tracheotomised stroke patients with dysphagia: Secondary analysis from PHADER cohort study. Neurotherapeutics. Sep;21(5):e00433.
Dziewas R, Warnecke T, Labeit B, Claus I, Muhle P, Oelenberg S, Ahring S, Wüller C, Jung A, von Itter J, Suntrup-Krueger S. 2024. Systematic approach to contextualize findings of flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing in neurogenic dysphagia- towards an integrated FEES report. Neurol Res Pract.6(1):26.
Labeit B, Michou E, Trapl-Grundschober M, Suntrup-Krueger S, Muhle P, Bath PM, Dziewas R. 2024 Dysphagia after stroke: research advances in treatment interventions. Lancet Neurol. 23(4):418-428.
Suntrup-Krueger S, Labeit B, Marian T, Schröder J, Claus I, Ahring S, Warnecke T, Dziewas R, Muhle P. 2023. Pharyngeal electrical stimulation for postextubation dysphagia in acute stroke: a randomized controlled pilot trial. Crit Care. 27(1):383.
Muhle P, Labeit B, Wollbrink A, Claus I, Warnecke T, Wolters CH, Gross J, Dziewas R, Suntrup-Krueger S. 2021. Targeting the sensory feedback within the swallowing network-Reversing artificially induced pharyngolaryngeal hypesthesia by central and peripheral stimulation strategies. Hum Brain Mapp. 42(2):427-438.
Suntrup-Krueger S, Schmidt S, Warnecke T, Steidl C, Muhle P, Schroeder JB, Labeit B, Minnerup J, Dziewas R. 2019. Extubation Readiness in Critically Ill Stroke Patients. Stroke. 50(8):1981-1988.
Suntrup-Krueger S, Ringmaier C, Muhle P, Wollbrink A, Kemmling A, Hanning U, Claus I, Warnecke T, Teismann I, Pantev C, Dziewas R. 2018. Randomized trial of transcranial direct current stimulation for poststroke dysphagia. Ann Neurol 83(2):328-340.
Muhle P, Suntrup-Krueger S, Bittner S, Ruck T, Claus I, Marian T, Schröder JB, Minnerup J, Warnecke T, Meuth SG, Dziewas R. 2017. Increase of Substance P Concentration in Saliva after Pharyngeal Electrical Stimulation in Severely Dysphagic Stroke Patients - an Indicator of Decannulation Success? Neurosignals. 25(1):74-87
Suntrup S, Marian T, Schröder JB, Suttrup I, Muhle P, Oelenberg S, Hamacher C, Minnerup J, Warnecke T, Dziewas R. 2015. Electrical pharyngeal stimulation for dysphagia treatment in tracheotomized stroke patients: a randomized controlled trial. Intensive Care Med. 41(9):1629-37.
Suntrup S, Teismann I, Bejer J, Suttrup I, Mehler D, Pantev C, Dziewas R, Warnecke T. 2013. Different patterns of cortical swallowing processing in dysphagic vs. non-dysphagic patients with Parkinson’s disease. Brain 136: 726-738.
List of publications at Pubmed.
Within Muenster University
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Joachim Gross (Institut für Biomagnetismus und Biosignalanalyse, UKM)
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Carsten Wolters (Institut für Biomagnetismus und Biosignalanalyse, UKM
- Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Dziewas (Klinik für Neurologie, Klinikum Osnabrück)
- Dr. med. Florin Gandor (Neurologisches Fachkrankenhaus für Parkinson, Beelitz)
- Priv.-Doz. Dr.med. André Kemmling (Klinik für Neuroradiologie, Westpfalz-Klinikum Kaiserslautern)
- Dr. med. Bendix Labeit, (Klinik für Neurologie, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Sven Meuth (Klinik für Neurologie, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf)
- Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Wirth (Klinik für Altersmedizin und Frührehabilitation, Marien-Hospital Herne - Universitätsklinikum der Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
- Prof. Dr. Tobias Warnecke (Klinik für Neurologie, Klinikum Osnabrück)
- Prof. Dr. Joseph Murray (Audiology and Speech Pathology Service, US Department of Veterans Affairs)
- Assist.-Prof. Dr. Ivy Cheng (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
- Prof. Sun Im, MD, PhD (Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea)
- Prof. Dr. Eiichi Saitoh (The Fujita Health University, Nagoya)
- Else Kröner Clinician Scientist Professorship (2022-)
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: Neurostimulation for the treatment of disturbed pharyngeal sensitivity as a major cause of neurogenic dysphagia (2016-2020)
- Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation: Biological determinants and neuronal compensatory mechanisms of presbyphagia (2018-2021)
- Medical Faculty Münster: Clinician Scientist Program (2021-2022)