Two new seminar series

We are delighted to invite you to two new seminar series that are organized by the URTC (University research and treatment center) Neuroinflammation and are now part of the program.

Münster internal stem cell seminars
Starting next month, the URTC will be conducting virtual seminars focused on stem cell related research in the faculty of medicine on a regular basis. The aim of the seminars will be to acquaint between different groups working with stem cells and to promote collaboration. At each meeting, members from one of the groups will present a stem cell related project and a short report regarding a useful technology in the field.

The seminars will take place on the first or second Thursday of every month at 12:00 pm and can be accessed via zoom:
Meeting-ID: 872 9535 5168
Passcode: 757478

Researchers who wish to actively participate in the seminar series are most invited to contact Yotam Menuchin-Lasowski at:

Body and Brain seminar
This new seminar series is aimed for our local research community and focuses on the peripheral immune system and its interaction with different organs, especially the CNS. Internal and external speakers will present their research with a special emphasis on methodological aspects.

On a monthly basis, the talks will take place at 17:15 pm on Thursday evenings and can also be accessed via zoom. The series launches on June, 27th with our first speaker, Prof. V. Wee Yong (University of Calgary) and his talk on „The extracellular matrix in neuro-immune interactions and regeneration“.
Meeting-ID: 834 9393 2295
Passcode: 943420