Uwe Kirchhefer
Fon: +49 (0)2 51 / 83 - 5 55 02
E-Mail: kirchhef@uni-muenster.de
Fon: +49 (0)2 51 / 83 - 5 55 02
E-Mail: kirchhef@uni-muenster.de
Studium der Humanmedizin an der Universität Hamburg
Promotion zum Dr. med. an der Universität Hamburg
Forschungsjahr am Krannert Institute of Cardiology, Indianapolis, USA
Facharzt für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
Erteilung der venia legendi für das Fach experimentelle und klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
Ernennung zum außerplanmässigen Professor durch den Fachbereich Medizin an der WWU Münster
Kirchhefer U, Schmitz W, Scholz H, Neumann J (1999) Activity of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase in failing and nonfailing human hearts. Cardiovasc Res 42: 254-261
Kirchhefer U, Neumann J, Baba HA, Begrow F, Kobayashi YM, Reinke U, Schmitz W, Jones LR (2001) Cardiac hypertrophy and impaired relaxation in transgenic mice overexpressing triadin 1. J Biol Chem 276: 4142-4149
Kirchhefer U, Baba HA, Bokník P, Breeden KM, Mavila N, Brüchert N, Justus I, Matus M, Schmitz W, DePaoli-Roach AA, Neumann J (2005) Enhanced cardiac function in mice overexpressing protein phosphatase inhibitor-2. Cardiovasc Res 68: 98-108
Kirchhefer U, Wehrmeister D, Postma AV, Pohlentz G, Mormann M, Kucerova D, Müller FU, Schmitz W, Schulze-Bahr E, Wilde AA, Neumann J (2010) The human CASQ2 mutation K206N is associated with hyperglycosylation and altered cellular calcium handling. J Mol Cell Cardiol 49: 95-105
Wijnker PJM, Boknik P, Gergs U, Müller FU, Neumann J, dos Remedios C, Schmitz W, Sindermann JR, Stienen GJM, van der Velden J, Kirchhefer U (2011) Protein phosphatase 2A affects myofilament contractility in non-failing but not in failing human myocardium. J Muscle Res Cell Motil 32: 221-233
Kirchhefer U, Heinick A, König S, Kristensen T, Müller FU, Seidl MD, Boknik P (2014) Protein phosphatase 2A is regulated by PKCα-dependent phosphorylation of its targeting subunit B56α at Ser41. J Biol Chem 289: 163-176
Kirchhof P, Tal T, Fabritz L, Klimas J, Nesher N, Schulte JS, Ehling P, Kanyshkova T, Budde T, Nikol S, Fortmüller L, Stallmeyer B, Müller FU, Schulze-Bahr E, Schmitz W, Zlotkin E, Kirchhefer U (2015) First report on an inotropic peptide activating TTX-sensitive, “neuronal” sodium currents in the heart. Circ Heart Fail 8: 79-88
Boknik P, Drzewiecki K, Eskandar J, Gergs U, Grote-Wessels S, Fabritz L, Kirchhof P, Müller FU, Stümpel F, Schmitz W, Zimmermann N, Kirchhefer U, Neumann J (2018) Phenotyping of mice with heart specific overexpression of A2A-adenosine receptors: Evidence for cardioprotective effects of A2A-adenosine receptors. Front Pharmacol 9: 13
Kirchhefer U, Hammer E, Heinick A, Herpertz T, Isensee G, Müller FU, Neumann J, Schulte JS, Schulte K, Seidl MD, Boknik P (2018) Chronic β-adrenergic stimulation reverses depressed Ca handling in mice overexpressing inhibitor-2 of protein phosphatase 1. J Mol Cell Cardiol 125: 195-204
Gergs U, Kirchhefer U, Bergmann F, Künstler B, Mißlinger N, Au B, Mahnkopf M, Wache H, Neumann J (2020) Characterization of stressed transgenic mice overexpressing H2-histamine receptors in the heart. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 374: 479-488