Robert-Koch-Str. 27 a
+ 49 251-83-55533 (phone)
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  • Lebenslauf

    Persönliche Informationen  
    Geboren am 14. September 1962 in Hagen (i. W.)
    1982-1990 Diplom, Biologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    Titel der Dissertation: Untersuchungen zur cAMP-abhängigen Regulation der Ca2+-Freisetzung aus dem sarcoplasmatischen Retikulum von isolierten Herzmuskelzellen
    1990-1993 Dr. rer. nat., Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    Titel der Dissertation: Charakterisierung von Membranleitfähigkeiten in Neuronen des Corpus geniculatum laterale der Ratte nach akuter Isolation
    7.3.2000 Habilitation und venia legendi im Fach Physiologie an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. Thema der Habilitationsschrift: Subzelluläre Mechanismen der funktionellen Regulation identifizierter Neuronentypen des Vorderhirns
    Außerplanmäßige Professur  
    17.4.2007 Ernennung zum außerplanmäßigen Professor durch den Dekan der Medizinischen Fakultät Münster


    1. TRR 128/3 „Initiating/effector versus regulatory mechanisms in Multiple Sclerosis – progress towards tackling the disease“ (SFB der DFG; Teilprojekt - B06; Mitantragsteller: S. G. Meuth, K. Göbel). Laufzeit: 1. 7. 2020 – 30. 6. 2024. Thema: The role of the kallikrein-kinin system to functional and structural impairment of network activity in multiple sclerosis.

    2. GRK 2515-2, Chembion (DFG-Graduiertenkolleg; stellvertretender Sprecher; Teilprojekte - B5, E5). Laufzeit: 1. 4. 2024 – 31. 10. 2028. Thema: Chemische Biologie von Ionenkanälen.


    5.11.2002: Auszeichnung mit dem Graduierten-Stipendium der Novartis-Stiftung für therapeutische Forschung.

  • Publikationen


    1. E. Nikalexi, V. Maksimenko, T. Seidenbecher, T. Budde, H.-C. Pape, A. Lüttjohann (2025). Spectral and coupling characteristics of somatosensory cortex and centromedian thalamus differentiate between pre- and interictal 5-9 Hz oscillations in a genetic rat model of absence epilepsy. Neurobiology of Disease, 205: 106777. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2024.106777. [IF 2023: 5.1]
    2. I. Thale, E. Naß, L. Vinnenberg, L. M. Todesca, T. Budde, I. Maisuls, C. A. Strassert, A. Schwab, B. Wünsch (2025). Fluorescent probes to image the KCa3.1 channel in tumor cells. Pharmaceutics, 17: 154. 10.3390/pharmaceutics17020154 [IF 2023: 4.9


    1. C. Nelke*, T. Müntefering*, D. Cengiz, C. B. Schroeter, H. Block, C. Preuße, A. P. E. Michels, V. Dobelmann, S. Lichtenberg, M. Pawlitzki, S. Pfeuffer, N. Huntemann, A. Zarbock, T. Briese, C. Kittl, C. Dittmayer, T. Budde, I. E. Lundberg, W. Stenzel, S. G. Meuth, T. Ruck (2024). K2P2.1 is a key regulator of inflammatory cell responses in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. Journal of Autoimmunity, 142: 103136. doi: 10.1016/j.jaut.2023.103136. *equal contribution [IF 2023: 7.9]
    2. L. Vinnenberg*, N. Rychlik*, T. Oniani*, B. Williams, J. A. White, S. Kovac, S. G. Meuth, T. Budde*, P. Hundehege* (2024). Assessing neuroprotective effects of diroximel fumarate and siponimod via modulation of pacemaker channels in an experimental model of remyelination. Experimental Neurology, 371: 114572. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2023.114572. *equal contribution [IF 2023: 4.6]
    3. L. Wachsmuth, L. Hebbelmann, J. Prade, L. C. Konerth, H. Lambers, A. Lüttjohann, T. Budde, A. Hess, C. Faber (2024). Epilepsy-related functional brain network alterations are already present at an early age in the GAERS rat model of genetic absence epilepsy. Frontiers in Neurology (accepted). doi: 10.3389/fneur.2024.1355862. [IF 2023: 2.7]
    4. L. Fazio*, V. Narayanan Naik*, R. Narayanan Therpurakal, F. M. Osorio Gomez, N. Rychlik, J. Ladewig, M. Strüber, M. Cerina, S. G. Meuth*, T. Budde* (2024). Retigabine, a potassium channel opener, restores thalamocortical neuron functionality in a murine model of autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (in press). *equal contribution [IF 2023: 8.8]
    5. C. Dunker*, L. Vinnenberg*, A. Isaak, E. Karabatak, P. Hundehege, T. Budde, K. Murakami, A. Junker (2024). Exploring P2X Receptor Activity: A Journey from Cellular Impact to Electrophysiological Profiling. Biochemical Pharmacology, 229: 116543. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2024.116543. *equal contribution [IF 2023: 5.3]


    1. I. Thale, S. Maskri, Lucie Grey, E. Bulk, T. Budde, C. A. Strassert, O. Koch, A. Schwab, B. Wünsch (2022). Imaging of KCa3.1 channels in tumor cells with PET and small-molecule fluorescent probe. ChemMedChem, 18: e202200551. doi: 10.1002/cmdc.202200551. [IF 2023: 3.6]
    2. L. Gola*, L. Bierhansl*, N. Hummel, L. Korn, M. Pawlowski, M. Cerina, P. Hundehege, T. Budde, S. König, S. Meuth, H. Wiendl, S. Kovac (2023). MMF induces antioxidative and anaplerotic pathways and is neuroprotective in hyperexcitability in vitro. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 194:337-346. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2022.12.010. *equal contribution [IF 2023: 7.1]
    3. M. Haghipanah, F. Ghalami, M. Saadat, S. Abbasi-Maleki, R. Hossein, G. Salmani, T. Budde, N. Moradikor (2023). Investigation of the neuroprotective action of Japanese sake yeast on dementia type of Alzheimer disease in rats: behavioral and neurobiochemical assessment. NeuroSci, 4: 45–53. 4010006 [IF 2023: 1.6].
    4. C. Schroeter, C. Nelke, M. Schewe, L. Spohler, A. Herrmann, T. Müntefering, N. Huntemann, M. Kuzikov, P. Gribbon, S. Albrecht, S. Bock, P. Hundehege, L. Neelsen, T. Baukrowitz, G. Seebohm, B. Wünsch, S. Bittner, T. Ruck, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth (2023). Validation of TREK1 ion channel activators as an immunomodulatory and neuroprotective strategy in neuroinflammation. Biological Chemistry, 404: 355-375. Doi: 10.1515/hsz-2022-0266. *equal contribution [IF 2023: 2.9]
    5. P. Disse, I. Aymanns, N. Ritter, S. Peischard, L. Korn, H. Wiendl, M. Pawlowski, S. Kovac, S. G. Meuth, T. Budde, N. Strutz-Seebohm, B. Wünsch, G. Seebohm (2023). A novel NMDA receptor test model based on hiPSC-derived neural cells. Biological Chemistry, 404: 267-277. doi: 10.1515/hsz-2022-0216. [IF 2023: 2.9]
    6. H. Kapell*, L. Fazio*, J. Dyckow*, S. Schwarz, A. Cruz-Herranz, J. Campos, C. Mayer, E. D´Este, W. Möbius, C. Cordano, A.-K. Pröbstel, M. Gharagozloo, A. Zulji, V. Narayanan Naik, A. Delank, M. Cerina, T. Müntefering, C. Lerma-Martin, J. K. Sonner, J. H. Sin, P. Disse, N. Rychlik, K. Sabeur, M. Chavali, R. Srivastava, M. Heidenreich, K. C. Fitzgerald, G. Seebohm, C. Stadelmann, B. Hemmer, M. Platten, T. J. Jentsch, M. Engelhardt, T. Budde, K.-A. Nave, P. A. Calabresi, M. A. Friese, A. J. Green, C. Acuna, D. H. Rowitch, S. G. Meuth, L. Schirmer (2023). Neuron-oligodendrocyte potassium shuttling at nodes of Ranvier as a neuroprotective target during inflammatory demyelination. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 133: e164223. doi: 10.1172/JCI164223. *equal contribution [IF 2023: 13.3]
    7. A. Labbaf, M. Dellin, M. Komadowski, D. Chetkovich, N. Decher, H.-C. Pape, G. Seebohm, T. Budde*, M. Zobeiri* (2023). Characterization of Kv1.2-mediated outward current in TRIP8b-deficient mice. Biological Chemistry, 404: 291-302. doi: 10.1515/hsz-2023-0116. *equal contribution [IF 2023: 2.9]
    8. M. Patberg, T. Oniani, P. Disse, S. Peischard, L. Vinnenberg, M. Zobeiri, M. N. Romanelli, L. Epping, H. Wiendl, S. G. Meuth, P. Hundehege, G. Seebohm, T. Budde, A. Junker (2023). Optimized synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of HCN channel inhibitor EC18. Arch. Pharm., 356: e2200665. doi: 10.1002/ardp.202200665. [IF 2023: 4.3]
    9. H. Bozorgi, A. Rashidy-Pour, N. Moradikor, E. Motaghi, M. Zamani, T. Budde, H. Darbanian (2023). Reversal of chronic restraint stress-induced memory impairment by Japanese sake yeast supplement in mice: Role of adenosine A1 and A2A receptors. J. Psychiatr. Res., 161: 123-131. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2023.02.033. [IF 2023: 3.7]
    10. N. Ritter, P. Disse, I. Aymanns, L. Mücher, J. A. Schreiber, C. Brenker, T. Strünker, D. Schepmann, T. Budde, N. Strutz-Seebohm, S. M. Ametamey, B. Wünsch, G. Seebohm (2023). Downstream allosteric modulation of NMDA receptors by 3-benzazepine derivatives. Molecular Neurobiology, 60: 7238-7252. doi: 10.1007/s12035-023-03526-1. [IF 2023: 4.6]
    11. M. Dellin, I. Rohrbeck, P. Asrani, J. A. Schreiber, N. Ritter, F. Glorius, B. Wünsch, T. Budde, L. Temme, T. Strünker, B. Stallmeyer, F. Tüttelmann, S. G. Meuth, M. Spehr, J. Matschke, A. Steinbicker, C. Gatsogiannis, R. Stoll, N. Strutz-Seebohm, G. Seebohm (2023). Biological Chemistry, 404: 241-254. doi: 10.1515/hsz-2022-0247. [IF 2023: 2.9]


    1. T. Ruck*, S Bock*, S. Pfeuffer, C. Schroeter, D. Cengiz, P. Marciniak, M. Lindner, A. Herrmann, M. Liebmann, S. Kovac, L. Gola, L. Rolfes, M. Pawlitzki, N. Opel, T. Hahn, U. Dannlowski, T. Pap, F. Luessi, J. Schreiber, B. Wünsch, T. Kuhlmann, G. Seebohm, B. Tackenberg, P. Seja, F. Döring, E. Wischmeyer, A. Chasan, J. Roth, L. Klotz, G. Meyer zu Hörste, H. Wiendl, T. Marschall, S. Floess, J. Huehn, T. Budde, T. Bopp, S. Bittner, S. G. Meuth (2022). K2P18.1 translates T cell receptor signals into thymic regulatory T cell development. Cell Res., 32: 72-88. doi: 10.1038/s41422-021-00580-z. *equal contribution [IF 2022: 44.1]

    2. R. Chaudhary, S. Albrecht, M. Datunashvili, M. Cerina, A. Lüttjohann, Y. Han, V. Narayanan, D. M. Chetkovich, T. Ruck, T. Kuhlmann, H.-C. Pape, S. G. Meuth, M. Zobeiri*, T. Budde* (2022). Modulation of pacemaker channel function in a model of thalamocortical hyperexcitability by demyelination and cytokines. Cerebral Cortex, 32: 4397-4421. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhab491. *equal contribution [IF 2022: 3.7]

    3. T. Oniani*, L. Vinnenberg*, R. Chaudhary, J. A. Schreiber, K. Riske, B. Williams, H.-C. Pape, J. A. White, A. Junker, G. Seebohm, S. G. Meuth, P. Hundehege, T. Budde*, M. Zobeiri* (2022). Effects of Axonal Demyelination, Inflammatory Cytokines and Divalent Cation Chelators on Thalamic HCN Channels and Oscillatory Bursting. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23: 6285. *equal contribution [IF 2022: 5.6]

    4. S. Peischard, M. Möller, P. Disse, H. T. Ho, A. O. Verkerk, N. Strutz-Seebohm, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth, P. A. Schweizer, S. Morris, L. Muecher, V. Eisner, D. Thomas, K. Klingel, K. Busch. G. Seebohm (2022). Virus-induced Inhibition of Cardiac pacemaker channel HCN4 triggers Bradycardia in human induced Stem Cell System. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences: 79: 440. doi: 10.1007/s00018-022-04435-7. [IF 2022: 8.0]

    5. L. Epping*, C. B. Schroeter*, C Nelke*, S. Bock, L. Gola, N. Ritter, A. M. Herrmann, S. Räuber, A. Henes, J. Fernandez-Orth, W. Neuhaus4, S. Bittner, T. Budde, M. Platten, S. Kovac, G. Seebohm, T. Ruck, M. Cerina*,S. G. Meuth* (2022). Activation of non-classical NMDA receptors by glycine impairs barrier function of brain endothelial cells. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 79: 479. doi: 10.1007/s00018-022-04502-z. *equal contribution [IF 2022: 8.0]

    6. S. Pfeuffer*, T. Müntefering*, L. Rolfes, F. A. Straeten, S. Eichler, J. Gruchot, V. Dobelmann, Tim Prozorovski, M. Vucur, C. Berndt, P. Küry, T. Ruck, S. Bittner, D. Bettenworth, T. Budde, T. Lüdde, S. G. Meuth (2022). Deficiency of the two-pore potassium channel KCNK9 impairs intestinal epithelial cell survival and aggravates dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis. Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 14: 1199-1211. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2022.08.003. *equal contribution [IF 2022: 5.1]

    7. C. P. Konken*, K. Heßling*, I. Thale, S. Schelhaas, J. Dabel, Sarah Maskri, E. Bulk, T. Budde, O. Koch, A. Schwab, M. Schäfers, B. Wünsch (2022). Imaging of the calcium activated potassium channel 3.1 in vivo using a senicapoc-derived PET tracer (2022).  Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim), 355: e2200388. doi: 10.1002/ardp.202200388. *equal contribution [IF 2022: 5.1]

    8. C. B. Schroeter*, L. Rolfes*, K. S. S. Gothan, J. Gruchot, A. M. Herrmann, S. Bock, L. Fazio, A. Henes, V. Narayanan, S. Pfeuffer. C. Nelke, S. Räuber, N. Huntemann, E. Duarte-Silva, V. Dobelmann, P. Hundehege, H. Wiendl, K. Raba, P. Küry, D. Kremer, T. Ruck, T. Müntefering, T. Budde*, M. Cerina*, S. G. Meuth* (2022). Cladribine treatment improves cortical network functionality in a mouse model of autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of Neuroinflammation 9: 270. doi: 10.1186/s12974-022-02588-7. *equal contribution [IF 2022: 9.3]

    9. S. Fuest*, C. Post*, S. T. Balbach, S. Jabar, I. Neumann, S. Schimmelpfennig, S. Sargin, E. Nass, T. Budde, S. Kailayangiri, B. Altvater, A. Ranft, W. Hartmann, U. Dirksen, C. Rössig, A. Schwab, Z. Pethő * (2022). Relevance of abnormal KCNN1 expression and osmotic hypersensitivity in Ewing sarcoma. Cancers, 14: 4819. doi: 10.3390/cancers14194819. *equal contribution [IF 2022: 5.2]


    1. K. Aulova, A. Urusov, S. Sedykh, L. Toporkova, J. Lopatnikova, V. Buneva, S. Sennikov, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth, N. Popova, I. Orlovskaya, G. Nevinsky (2021). The association between mice EAE development and the production of autoantibodies and abzymes after immunization of mice with different antigens. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 25: 2493-2504. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.16183. [IF 2020: 5.310]

    2. K. S. Aulova, A. E. Urusov, L. B. Toporkova, S. E. Sedykh, Y. A. Shevchenko, V. P. Tereshchenko, S. V. Sennikov, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth, I. A. Orlovskaya, G. A. Nevinsky (2021). Catalytic antibodies in the bone marrow and other organs of Th mice during spontaneous development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis associated with cell differentiation. Molecular Biology Reports, 48: 1055-106. doi: 10.1007/s11033-020-06117-8. [IF 2020: 2.316]
    3. J. Fernandez-Orth, S. Bittner, J. Andronic, V. L. Sukhorukov, P. Landgraf, D. C. Dieterich, T. Ruck, M. Cerina, K.-H. Smalla, T. Kähne, T. Budde, M. Sauer, S. G. Meuth (2021). A role for TASK2 channels in the immunological synapse. European Journal of Immunology, 51: 342-353. doi: 10.1002/eji.201948269. [IF 2020: 5.532]
    4. L. Wachsmuth, M. Datunashvili, K. Kemper, F. Albers, H. Lambers, A. Lüttjohann, S. Kreitz, T. Budde, C. Faber (2021). Retrosplenial cortex contributes to network changes during seizures in the GAERS absence epilepsy rat model. Cerebral Cortex Communications, 2: 1-16. doi: 10.1093/texcom/tgab023.
    5. S. Park*, P. Flüthmann*, C. Wolany, L. Goedecke, H. M. Spenner, T. Budde, H.-C. Pape, K. Jüngling (2021). Neuropeptide S receptor stimulation excites principal neurons in murine basolateral amygdala through a calcium-dependent decrease in membrane potassium conductance. Pharmaceuticals, 14: 519. doi:  10.3390/ ph14060519. *equal contribution [IF 2020: 5.863]
    6.  F. Glaser, P. Hundehege, E. Bulk, L. M. Todesca, S. Schimmelpfennig, E. Nass, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth, A. Schwab (2021). KCa channel blockers increase effectiveness of the EGF receptor TK inhibitor erlotinib in non-small cell lung cancer cells (A549). Sci. Rep. 11: 18330. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-97406-0. [IF 2020: 4.379]
    7.  K. Brömmel*, C. P. Konken*, F. Börgel, H. Obeng-Darko, S. Scheelhas, E. Bulk, T. Budde, A. Schwab, M. Schäfers, B. Wünsch (2021). Synthesis and biological evaluation of PET tracers designed for imaging of KCa3.1 channels in vivo. RSC Advances; 48: 30295–30304. DOI: 10.1039/d1ra03850h. *equal contribution [IF 2020: 3.361]
    8. M. Patberg, A. Isaak, F. Füsser, N. V. Ortiz Zacarías, L. Vinnenberg, J. Schulte, L. Michetti, L. Grey, C. van der Horst, P. Hundehege, O. Koch, L. H. Heitman, T. Budde, A. Junker (2021). Piperazine squaric acid diamides, a novel class of allosteric P2X7 receptor antagonists. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 226: 113838. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2021.113838. *equal contribution [IF 2020: 6.514]


    1. K. Aulova, A. Urusov, L. Toporkova, S. Sedykh, Y. Shevchenko, V. Tereshchenko, S. Sennikov, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth, N. Popova, I. Orlovskaya, G. Nevinsky (2020). Production of abzymes in Th, CBA, and C57BL/6 mice before and after MOG treatment: comparing changes in cell differentiation and proliferation. Biomolecules, 10: 53. doi:10.3390/biom10010053. [IF 2019: 4.082]
    2. E. Bollmann, J. A. Schreiber, N. Ritter, S. Peischard, H. T. Ho, B. Wünsch, T. Strünker, S. Meuth, T. Budde, N. Strutz-Seebohm, G. Seebohm (2020). 4,4'-Diisothiocyanato-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonic acid modulates the activity of KCNQ1/ KCNE1 channels by an interaction with the central pore region. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 54: 321-332. doi: 10.33594/000000222. [Scopus cite score 2019: 8.00]

    3. M. Cerina*, M. Muthuraman*, M. Gallus*, N. Koirala, A. Dik, L. Wachsmuth, P. Hundehege, P. Schiffler; J.-G. Tenberge, V. Fleischer, G. Gonzalez-Escamilla, V. Narayanan, J. Krämer, C. Faber, T. Budde, S. Groppa*, S. G. Meuth* (2020). Myelination- and immune mediated MR-based brain network correlates.
      Journal of Neuroinflammation, 17: 186. doi: 10.1186/s12974-020-01827-z. *equal contribution [IF 2019: 5.793]

    4. H. Bozorgi, T. Budde, M. Nankali (2020). Antidepressant-like and memory-enhancing effects of the N-type calcium channel blocker ziconotide in rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 90: 112647.  doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2020.112647. [IF 2019: 2.977]

    5. M. Zamani, T. Budde, H. Bozorgi (2020). Intracerebroventricular administration of N-type calcium channel blocker ziconotide displays anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, and sedative effects in rats: A preclinical and pilot study. Epilepsy & Behavior, 111: 107251. [IF 2019: 2.508]

    6. K. Brömmel, S. Maskri, E. Bulk, Z. Pethö, M. Rieke, T. Budde, O. Koch, A. Schwab, B. Wünsch (2020). Co-staining of KCa3.1 channels in NSCLC cells with a small-molecule fluorescent probe and antibody-based indirect immunofluorescence. ChemMedChem, doi: 10.1002/cmdc.202000652. [IF 2019: 3.124]

    7. A. M. Herrmann*, M. Cerina*, S. Bittner, S. G. Meuth*, T. Budde* (2020). Intracellular fluoride influences TASK mediated currents in human T cells. Journal of Immunological Methods, doi: 10.1016/j.jim.2020.112875. *equal contribution [IF 2019: 1.901]

    8. L. Masanneck, S. Eichler, A. Vogelsang, M. Korsen, H. Wiendl, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth (2020). The STING-IFN-ß-dependent axis is markedly low in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21: 9249. doi: 10.3390/ijms21239249 [IF 2019: 4.556]


    1. M. Zobeiri, G. van Luijtelaar, T. Budde, I. V. Sysoev (2019). The brain network in a model of thalamo-cortical dysrhythmia. Brain Connectivity, 9: 273-284. doi: 10.1089/brain.2018.0621. [IF 2019: 5.263]
    2. M. N. Romanelli, M. Del Lungo, L. Guandalini, M. Zobeiri, A. Gyökeres, T. Árpádffy-Lovas, I. Koncz, L. Sartiani, G. Bartolucci, S. Dei, D. Manetti, E. Teodori, T. Budde, E. Cerbai (2019). EC18 as a tool to understand the role of HCN4 channels in mediating hyperpolarization-activated current in tissues. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 10: 584-589. doi: 10.1021/acsmedchemlett.8b00587. [IF 2019: 3.975]
    3. E. Amedonu, C. Brenker, S. Barman, J. A. Schreiber, S. Becker, S. Peischard, N. Strutz-Seebohm, C. Strippel, A. Dik, H.-P. Hartung, T. Budde, H. Wiendl, T. Strünker, B. Wünsch, N. Goebels, S. G. Meuth, G. Seebohm, N. Melzer (2019). An assay to determine mechanisms of rapid autoantibody-induced neurotransmitter receptor endocytosis and vesicular trafficking in autoimmune encephalitis. Frontiers in Neurology 10: 178. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00178. [IF 2019: 2.889]
    4. M. Zobeiri*, R. Chaudhary*, A. Blaich*, M. Rottmann, S. Herrmann, P. Meuth, Pawan Bista, T. Kanyshkova, A. Lüttjohann, V. Narayanan, P. Hundehege, S. G. Meuth, M. N. Romanelli, F. J. Urbano, H.-C. Pape, T. Budde*, A. Ludwig* (2019). The hyperpolarization-activated HCN4 channel is important for proper maintenance of oscillatory activity in the thalamocortical system. Cerebral Cortex. 29: 2291-2304. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhz047. *equal contribution [IF 2019: 5.043]   
    5. T. M. van Alst, L. Wachsmuth, M. Datunashvili, F. Albers, N. Just, T. Budde, C. Faber (2019). Anesthesia differentially modulates neural and vascular contributions to the BOLD signal. NeuroImage, 195:89-103. [IF 2019: 5.902]
    6. P. Hundehege*, M. Cerina*, S. Eichler*, C. Thomas, A. M. Herrmann, K. Göbel, T. Müntefering, J. Fernandez-Orth, S. Bock, V. Narayanan, T. Budde, E.-J. Speckmann, H. Wiendl, A. Schubart, T. Ruck, S. G. Meuth (2019). The next-generation sphingosine-1 receptor modulator BAF312 (siponimod) improves cortical network functionality in focal autoimmune encephalitis. Neural Regeneration Research, 14: 1950-1960. *equal contribution [IF 2019: 3.171]
    7. L. Langenbruch*, J. Krämer*, S. Güler, G. Möddel, S. Geßner, N. Melzer, C. E. Elger, H. Wiendl, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth*, Stjepana Kovac* (2019).
      Seizures and epilepsy in multiple sclerosis – epidemiology and prognosis in a large tertiary referral center. Journal of Neurology, 266: 1789-1795. *equal contribution [IF 2019: 3.956]
    8. M. Davoodi, F. N. Karimooy, T. Budde, S. Ortega-Martinez, N. Moradi-Kor (2019).
      Beneficial Effects of Japanese Sake Yeast Supplement on Biochemical, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Factors in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 12: 1667-1673. doi: 10.2147/DMSO.S220181. [IF 2019: 2.842]
    9. J. A. Schreiber, D. Schepmann, B. Frehland, S. Thum, M. Datunashvili, T. Budde, M. Hollmann, N. Strutz-Seebohm, B. Wünsch*, G. Seebohm* (2019).
      A common foot-in-the-door mechanism allows selective targeting of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. Communications Biology 2: 420. doi: 10.1038/s42003-019-0645-6. *equal contribution [IF 2019: 4.165]


    1. M. Zobeiri, R. Chaudhary, M. Datunashvili, R. J. Heuermann, A. Lüttjohann, V. Narayanan, S. Balfanz, P. Meuth, D. M. Chetkovich, H.-C. Pape, A. Baumann, G. van Luijtelaar, T. Budde (2018). Modulation of thalamocortical oscillations by TRIP8b, a brain-specific auxiliary subunits for HCN channels. Brain Structure & Function, 223: 1537-1564. doi: 10.1007/s00429-017-1559-z. [IF 2017: 4.231]
    2. M. Cerina1*, V. Narayanan1*, A. Delank*, P. Meuth, S. Graebenitz, K. Göbel, A. M. Herrmann, S. Albrecht, T. Daldrup, T. Seidenbecher, A. Gorji, T. Kuhlmann, H. Wiendl, C. Kleinschnitz, E. J. Speckmann, H.-C. Pape*, S. G. Meuth*, T. Budde* (2018). Protective potential of dimethyl fumarate in a mouse model of thalamocortical demyelination. Brain Structure & Function (in press). *equal contribution [IF 2017: 4.231]
    3. N. Silbernagel, M. Walecki, M. K.-H. Schäfer, M. Kessler, M. Zobeiri, S. Rinné, A. K. Kiper, M. A. Komadowski, K. S. Vowinkel, K. Wemhöner, L. Fortmüller, M. Schewe, A. M. Dolga, J. Scekic-Zahirovic, L. A. Matschke, C. Culmsee, T. Baukrowitz, L. Monassier, N. D. Ullrich, L. Dupuis, S. Just, T. Budde, L. Fabritz, N. Decher (2018). The VAMP-associated protein VAPB is required for cardiac and neuronal pacemaker channel function. FASEB Journal, doi: 10.1096/fj.201800246R. [IF 2017: 5.595]
    4. P. Eichinger, A. M. Herrmann, T. Ruck, M. Herty, L. Gola, S. Kovac, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth*, P. Hundehege* (2018). Human T cells in silico: modelling dynamic intracellular calcium and its influence on cellular electrophysiology. J. Immunol. Meth. (in press). *equal contribution [IF 2017: 2.190]
    5. K. S. Avlova, L. B. Toporkova, J. A. Lopatnikova, A. A. Alshevskaya, S. E. Sedykh, V. N. Buneva, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth, N. A. Popova, I. A. Orlovskaya, G. A. Nevinsky (2018). Changes in cell differentiation and proliferation lead to production of abzymes in EAE mice treated with DNA-histone complexes. J. Cell. Mol. Med. (in press). [IF 2017: 4.302]
    6. V. Narayanan*, M. Cerina*, K. Göbel, P. Meuth, A. M. Herrmann, J. Fernandez-Orth, M. Stangel, V. Gudi, T. Skripuletz, T. Daldrup, J. Lesting, P. Schiffler, H. Wiendl, T. Seidenbecher, S. G. Meuth*, T. Budde*, H.-C. Pape* (2018). Impairment of frequency-specific responses associated with altered electrical activity patterns in auditory thalamus following focal and general demyelination. Exp. Neurol. (in press). *equal contribution [IF 2017: 4.483]
    7. M. Datunashvili, R. Chaudhary, M. Zobeiri, A. Lüttjohann, E. Mergia, A. Baumann, S. Balfanz, B. Budde, G. van Luijtelaar, H.-C. Pape, D. Koesling, T. Budde (2018). Modulation of hyperpolarization-activated inward current and thalamic activity modes by different cyclic nucleotides. Front. Cell. Neurosci., 12: 369. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2018.00369. [IF 2017: 4.300]
    8. P. Hundehege*, J. Fernandez-Orth*, P. Römer, T. Ruck, T. Müntefering, S. Eichler, M. Cerina, L. Epping, S. Albrecht, A. F. Menke, K. Birkner, K. Göbel, T. Budde, F. Zipp, H. Wiendl, A. Gorji, S. Bittner*, S. G. Meuth* (2018). Targeting Voltage-Dependent Calcium Channels with Pregabalin Exerts a Direct Neuroprotective Effect in an Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis. Neurosignals, 26: 77-93. *equal contribution [IF 2016: 6.143]


    1. M. Cerina*, V. Narayanan*, K. Göbel, S. Bittner, T. Ruck, P. Meuth, A. M. Herrmann, M. Stangel, V. Gudi, T. Skripuletz, T. Daldrup, H. Wiendl, T. Seidenbecher, P. Ehling, C. Kleinschnitz, H.-C. Pape*, T. Budde*, S. G. Meuth* (2017). The quality of cortical network function recovery depends on localization and degree of axonal demyelination. Brain Behav Immun., 59: 103-117. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2016.08.014.. *equal contribution [IF 2017: 6.306]
    2. J. Fernandez-Orth, P. Ehling, T. Ruck, S. Pankratz, M.-S. Hofmann, P. Landgraf, D. C. Dieterich, K.-H. Smalla, T. Kahne, G. Seebohm, T. Budde, H. Wiendl, S. Bittner, S. G. Meuth (2017). 14-3-3 proteins regulate K2P5.1 surface expression on T lymphocytes. Traffic, 18: 29-43. doi: 10.1111/tra.12455. [IF 2017:  4.400]
    3. H. Storck, B. Hild, S. Schimmelpfennig, S. Sargin, N. Nielsen, A. Zaccagnino, T. Budde, I. Novak, H. Kalthoff, A. Schwab (2017). Ion channels in control of pancreatic stellate cell migration. Oncotarget, 8: 769-784. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.13647. [IF 2016: 5.148]
    4. K. S. Aulova, L. B. Toporkova,  J. A. Lopatnikova, A. A. Alshevskaja, S. V. Sennikov, V. N. Buneva, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth, N. A. Popova, I. A. Orlovskaya, G. A. Nevinsky (2017). Changes in hematopoietic progenitor colony differentiation and proliferation and the production of different abzymes in EAE mice treated with DNA. J. Cell. Mol. Med., 21: 3795-3809. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.13289. [IF 2017: 4.302]
    5. M. Leist, S. Rinné, M. Datunashvili, A. Aissaoui, H.-C. Pape, N. Decher, S. G. Meuth, T. Budde (2017). Acetylcholine-dependent upregulation of TASK-1 channels in thalamic interneurons by a smooth muscle-like signalling pathway. J. Physiol., 595: 5875-5893. [IF 2017: 4.540]


    1. V. B. Doronin, T. A. Parkhomenko, A. Korablev, L. B. Toporkova, J. A. Lopatnikova, A. A. Alshevskaja, S. V. Sennikov, V. N. Buneva, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth, I. A. Orlovskaya, N. A. Popova, G. A. Nevinsky (2016). Changes in different parameters, lymphocyte proliferation and hematopoietic progenitor colony formation in EAE mice treated with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein. J. Cell. Mol. Med., 20: 81-94. Doi: 10.1111/jcmm.12704. [IF 2016: 4.499]
    2. C. Neyer, D. Herr, D. Kohmann, T. Budde, H.-C. Pape, P. Coulon (2016). mGluR-mediated Calcium Signalling in the Thalamic Reticular Nucleus. Cell Calcium, 59: 312-23. Doi: 10.1016/j.ceca.2016.03.009. [IF 2014: 3.707]
    3. M. Leist*, M. Datunashvili*, T. Kanyshkova, M. Zobeiri, A. Aissaoui, M. Cerina, M. N. Romanelli, H.-C. Pape, T. Budde (2016). Two types of interneurons in the mouse lateral geniculate nucleus are characterized by different h-current density. Sci. Rep., 6, 24904. Doi: 10.1038/srep24904. *equal contribution [IF 2016: 4.258]
    4. P. Ehling*, P. Meuth*, P. Eichinger*, A. M. Herrmann, S. Bittner, M. Pawlowski, S. Pankratz, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth (2016). Human T cells in silico: modelling their electrophysiological behaviour in health and disease. J. Theor. Biol., 404: 236-250. Doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.06.001. *equal contribution [IF 2016: 2.113]
    5. N. Ghaffarian*, M. Mesgari*, M. Cerina, K. Göbel, T. Budde, E.-J. Speckmann, S. G. Meuth, A. Gorji (2016). Thalamocortical-auditory network alterations following cuprizone‐induced demyelination. J. Neuroinflam., 13: 160. Doi: 10.1186/s12974-016-0629-0. *equal contribution [IF 2015: 5.102]
    6. A. Afzali*, T. Ruck*, A. Herrmann, J. Iking, C. Sommer, C. Kleinschnitz, C. Preuße, W. Stenzel, T. Budde, H. Wiendl, S. Bittner, S. G. Meuth. The potassium channels TASK2 and TREK1 regulate functional differentiation of murine skeletal muscle cells. Am. J. Physiol. - Cell Physiol., 311: C583-C595. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00363.2015. *equal contribution [IF 2016: 3.602]


    1. A. Sajadian*, S. Esteghamat*, F. Karimzadeh*, A. Eshaghabadi*, F. Sieg, E.-J. Speckmann, S. Meuth, T. Seidenbecher, T. Budde & A. Gorji (2015)
      Anticonvulsant effect of neural regeneration peptide 2945 on pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures in rats. Neuropeptides, 49: 15-23. doi: 10.1016 /j.npep.2014.11.002. *equal contribution  [IF 2015: 2.726]
    2. P. Kirchhof*, T. Tal*, L. Fabritz, J. Klimas, N. Nesher, J. S. Schulte, P. Ehling, T. Kanyshkova, T. Budde, S. Nikol, L. Fortmueller, B. Stallmeyer, F. U. Müller, E. Schulze-Bahr, W. Schmitz, E. Zlotkin*, U. Kirchhefer* (2015)
      First report on an inotropic peptide activating TTX-sensitive, “neuronal” sodium currents in the heart. Circulation: Heart Failure, 8: 79-88. *equal contribution [IF 2015: 6.833]
    3. P. Bista, M. Pawlowski, M. Cerina, P. Ehling, M. Leist, P. Meuth, A. Aissaoui, M. Borsotto, C. Heurteaux, N. Decher, H.-C. Pape, D. Oliver, S. G. Meuth* & T. Budde* (2015)
      Differential phospholipase C-dependent modulation of TWIK-related acid sensitive K+ (TASK) and TWIK-related K+ (TREK) channels in rat thalamocortical relay neurons. J. Physiol. (Lond.), 593: 127-44. *equal contribution  [IF 2015: 4.731]
    4. M. Cerina*, H. J. Szkudlarek*, P. Coulon*, P. Meuth, T. Kanyshkova, X. V. Nguyen, K. Göbel, T. Seidenbecher, S. G. Meuth, H.-C. Pape*, T. Budde* (2015)
      Thalamic Kv7 channels: pharmacological properties and activity control during noxious signal processing. Brit. J. Pharmacol., 172: 3126-40. doi: 10.1111/bph.13113. *equal contribution  [IF 2015: 5.259]
    5. E. Göb*, S. Bittner*, N. Bobak, P. Kraft, K. Göbel, F. Langhauser, G. A. Homola, M. Brede, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth* & C. Kleinschnitz* (2015)
      The two-pore domain potassium channel KCNK5 deteriorates outcome in ischemic neurodegeneration. Pflügers Arch., 467: 973-987. *equal contribution [IF 2015: 3.654]
    6. K. Wemhöner*, T. Kanyshkova*, N. Silbernagel, J. Fernandez-Orth, S. Bittner, A. K. Kiper, S. Rinné, M. F Netter, S. G Meuth, T. Budde*, N. Decher* (2015)
      An N-terminal deletion variant of HCN1 in the epileptic WAG/Rij strain modulates HCN current densities. Front. Mol. Neurosci., 8: 63. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2015.00063. *equal contribution [IF 2015: 5.154]


    1. T. Kanyshkova*, P. Ehling*, M. Cerina*, P. Meuth, M. Zobeiri, S. G. Meuth, H.-C. Pape & T. Budde (2014)
      Regionally specific expression of high-voltage-activated calcium channels in thalamic nuclei of epileptic and non-epileptic rats. Mol. Cell. Neurosci., 61:110-22. *equal contribution  [IF 2014: 3.840]


    1. S. G. Meuth*, K. Göbel*, T. Kanyshkova*, P. Ehling*, M. A. Ritter, W. Schwindt, M. Bielaszewska, P. Lebiedz, P. Coulon, A. M. Herrmann, W. Storck, J. Müthing, H. Pavenstädt, T. Kuhlmann, H. Karch, G. Peters, T. Budde, H. Wiendl & H.¬C. Pape (2013)
      Thalamic Involvement in Patients with Neurologic Impairment due to Shiga toxin 2. Ann. Neurol. 73: 419-429. *equal contribution [IF 2013: 11.910]
    2. P. Ehling, M. Cerina, P. Meuth, T. Kanyshkova, P. Bista, P. Coulon, S. G. Meuth, H.-C. Pape & T. Budde (2013)
      Ca2+-dependent large conductance K+ currents in thalamocortical relay neurons of different rat strains. Pflügers Arch. 465: 469-80. [IF 2013: 3.073]
    3. J. Andronic, N. Bobak, S. Bittner, P. Ehling, C. Kleinschnitz, A. M. Herrmann, H. Zimmermann, M. Sauer, H. Wiendl, T. Budde, S. G Meuth & V. L. Sukhorukov (2013)
      Identification of two-pore domain potassium channels as potent modulators of osmotic volume regulation in human T lymphocytes. BBA Biomembranes 1828: 699-707. [IF 2013: 3.431]
    4. P. Meuth*, S. Gaburro*, J. Lesting, A. Legler, M. Herty, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth, T. Seidenbecher, B. Lutz & H.-C. Pape (2013)
      Standardizing the analysis of conditioned fear in rodents: a multidimensional software approach. Genes, Brain and Behavior 12:583-92. *equal contribution [IF 2013: 3.505]
    5. K. Göbel, J.-H. Wedell, A. M. Herrmann, L. Wachsmuth, S. Pankratz, S. Bittner, T. Budde, C. Faber, H. Wiendl & S. G. Meuth (2013)
      4-aminopyridine ameliorates mobility but not disease course in an animal model of multiple sclerosis. Exp. Neurol. 248C:62-71. [IF 2013: 4.617]
    6. S. Bittner*, T. Ruck*, M. K. Schuhmann, A. M. Herrmann, H. Moha ou Maati, N. Bobak, K. Göbel, F. Langhauser, D. Stegner, P. Ehling, M. Borsotto, H.-C. Pape, B. Nieswandt, C. Kleinschnitz, C. Heurteaux, H.-J. Galla, T. Budde, H. Wiendl* & S. G. Meuth* (2013)
      Endothelial TWIK-related potassium channel-1 is a critical regulator of immune cell trafficking in the CNS. Nat. Med. 19:1161-5. *equal contribution  [IF 2013: 28.054]
    7. P. Ehling*, E. Göb*, S. Bittner, T. Budde, A. Ludwig, C. Kleinschnitz & S. G. Meuth (2013)
      Ischemia-induced cell depolarization: Does the hyperpolarization-activated cation channel HCN2 affect the outcome after stroke in mice? Experimental & Translational Stroke Medicine 5:16. *equal contribution


    1. T. Kanyshkova, P. Meuth, P. Bista, Z. Liu, P. Ehling, L. Caputi, M. Döngi, D. M. Chetkovich, H.-C. Pape & T. Budde (2012)
      Differential regulation of HCN channel isoform expression in thalamic neurons of epileptic and non-epileptic rat strains. Neurobiology of Disease 45: 450-461. [IF 2012: 5.624]
    2. P. Bista, S. G. Meuth, T. Kanyshkova, M. Cerina, M. Pawlowski, P. Ehling, P. Landgraf, M. Borsotto, C. Heurteaux, H.-C. Pape, T. Baukrowitz & T. Budde (2012)
      Identification of the muscarinic pathway underlying cessation of sleep-related burst activity in rat thalamocortical relay neurons. Pflügers Arch. 463: 89-102. [IF 2012: 4.866]
    3. P. Ehling, T. Kanyshkova, A. Baumann, P. Landgraf, S. G. Meuth, H.-C. Pape & T. Budde (2012)
      Adenylyl cyclases: Expression in the developing rat thalamus and their role in absence epilepsy. J. Mol. Neurosci. 48: 45-52. [IF 2012: 2.891]
    4. D. Penton, S. Bandulik F. Schweda, S. Haubs, P. Tauber, M. Reichold, L. Dang Cong, A. El Wakil, T. Budde, F. Lesage, E. Lalli, M. C. Zennaro, R. Warth & J. Barhanin. (2012)
      Task3 potassium channel gene invalidation causes low renin and salt-sensitive arterial hypertension. Endocrinol. 153: 4740-4748 [IF 2012: 4.717]
    5. S. Bittner, M. A. Bauer, P. Ehling, A. M. Herrmann, H. Wiendl, T. Budde & S. G. Meuth (2012)
  • Publikationen - Lehrbücher- Buchkapitel- Übersichtsartikel


    T. Budde & Sven Meuth (2003).
    Fragen und Antworten zu den Neurowissenschaften.
    Verlag Hans Huber, Bern.


    1. T. Budde (2024). Biophysical properties of thalamic cell types. In: The Cerebral Cortex and Thalamus. W. M. Usrey & S. M. Sherman (Eds.). Oxford University Press, New York; pp. 22-31.
    2. S. G. Meuth, P. Ehling & T. Budde (2015)
      Neurobiologische und Neurophysiologische Aspekte in der Neuroimmunologie. In: Fragen und Antworten zur Neuroimmunologie. H. Wiendl (Hrsg.), B. Kieseier & S. G. Meuth. Hogrefe, Bern; S. 337-366.
    3. T. Budde & H.-C. Pape (2009)
      Thalamic Neurons and Networks Related to Absence Epilepsy. In: Encyclopedia of Basic Epilepsy Research. P. A. Schwartzkroin (Ed.). Elsevier, Oxford; pp 22-28.
    4. T. Budde, H.-C. Pape, S. S. Kumar, J. R. Huguenard (2006)
      Thalamic, thalamo-cortical and cortico-cortical models of epilepsy with an emphasis on absence seizures. In: Models of Seizures and Epilepsy. A. Pitkänen, P. A. Schwartzkroin, S. L. Moshé, (Eds.). Elsevier, Oxford.


    1. N. Rychlik, P. Hundehege, T. Budde (2022). Influence of inflammatory processes on thalamocortical activity. Biological Chemistry, 404: 303-310. doi: 10.1515/hsz-2022-0215. [IF 2022: 3.7]

    2. L.-M. Lee, T. Müntefering, T. Budde, S. G. Meuth & T. Ruck (2021). Pathophysiological Role of K2P Channels in Human Diseases. Cell. Physiol. Biochem., 55: 65-86. DOI: 10.33594/0000003. [IF 2017: 5.500]

    3. P. Bista, M. Cerina, P. Ehling, M. Leist, H.-C. Pape, S. G. Meuth & T. Budde (2015)
      The role of two-pore-domain background K+ (K2P) channels in the thalamus. Pflügers Arch., 467: 895–905. [IF 2015: 3.654]
    4. P. Ehling*, M. Cerina*, T. Budde, S. Bittner* & S. G. Meuth* (2015)
      The CNS under pathophysiologic attack - examining the role of K2P channels. Pflügers Arch., 467: 959-972. *equal contribution [IF 2015: 3.654]
    5. P. Ehling, S. Bittner, S. G. Meuth & T. Budde (2015)
      TASK, TREK & Co.: Eine wandelbare Kalium-Kanalfamilie für diverse Aufgaben im Gehirn. Neuroforum, 21: 43–52.
    6. P. Ehling, S. Bittner, S. G. Meuth & T. Budde (2015)
      TASK, TREK & Co.: a mutable potassium channel family for diverse tasks in the brain. eNeuroforum, 6: 29-37.
    7. P. Ehling, N. Melzer, T. Budde & S. G. Meuth (2015)
      CD8+ T cell-mediated neuronal dysfunction and degeneration in limbic encephalitis. Frontiers in Neurology, 6:163. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2015.00163. [IF 2015: 3.184]
    8. N. Melzer, T. Budde, O. Stork & S. G. Meuth (2015)
      Limbic encephalitis: Potential impact of adaptive autoimmune inflammation on neuronal circuits of the amygdala. Frontiers in Neurology, 6:171. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2015.00171. [IF 2015: 3.184]
    9. P. Coulon, T. Budde & H.-C. Pape (2012)
      The sleep relay - the role of the thalamus in central and decentral sleep regulation. Pflügers Arch., 463: 53-71. [IF 2012: 4.866]
    10. P. Ehling, S. Bittner, T. Budde, H. Wiendl & S. G. Meuth (2011)
      Ion Channels in Autoimmune Neurodegeneration. FEBS Letters, 585: 3836-42. [IF 2011: 3.538]
    11. S. Bittner, T. Budde, H. Wiendl & S. G. Meuth (2010)
      From the background to the spotlight: TASK channels in pathological conditions. Brain Pathol., 20: 999-1009. [IF 2010: 4.741]
    12. S. G. Meuth, N. Melzer, C. Kleinschnitz, T. Budde, H. Wiendl (2009)
      Multiple Sklerose – eine Kanalopathie? Nervenarzt, 80: 422-429. [IF 2009: 0.776]
    13. T. Budde (2007)
      Kindliche Absence-Epilepsie: Gene, Kanäle, Netzwerke. Ärztliche Praxis Neurologie / Psychiatrie (4/07).
    14. T. Budde (2007)
      Kindliche Absence-Epilepsie: Gene, Kanäle, Netzwerke. Ärztliche Praxis Pädiatrie (6/07).
    15. H.-C. Pape, S. G. Meuth, T. Seidenbecher, T. Munsch & T. Budde (2005)
      Der Thalamus: Tor zum Bewusstsein und Rhythmusgenerator im Gehirn. Neuroforum (2/05).
  • Research Projects

    1. The influence of demyelination and inflammation on network activity in animal models of Multiple sclerosis and Absence epilepsy (funded by DFG).
    2. Chemical biology of ion channels (funded by DFG)
      Thomas Budde, Tengiz Oniani
      Collaborators: Members of GRK 2515/1 “Chembion”.