Translational research

Fischer C, Schreiber Y, Nitsch R, Vogt J, Thomas D, Geisslinger G, Tegeder I (2024). Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptors LPAR5 and LPAR2 Inversely Control Hydroxychloroquine-Evoked Itch and Scratching in Mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25(15):8177. (full article)

Chalas N, Meyer L, Lo CW, Park H, Kluger DS, Abbasi O, Kayser C, Nitsch R, Groß J (in press). Dissociating prosodic from syntactic delta activity during natural speech comprehension. Current Biology (full article)

McWhinney SR, Hlinka J, Bakstein E, Dietze LMF, Corkum ELV, Abé C, Alda M, Alexander N, Benedetti F, Berk M, Bøen E, Bonnekoh LM, Boye B, Brosch K, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Cannon DM, Dannlowski U, Demro C, Diaz-Zuluaga A, Elvsåshagen T, Eyler LT, Fortea L, Fullerton JM, Goltermann J, Gotlib IH, Grotegerd D, Haarman B, Hahn T, Howells FM, Jamalabadi H, Jansen A, Kircher T, Klahn AL, Kuplicki R, Lahud E, Landén M, Leehr EJ, Lopez-Jaramillo C, Mackey S, Malt U, Martyn F, Mazza E, McDonald C, McPhilemy G, Meier S, Meinert S, Melloni E, Mitchell PB, Nabulsi L, Nenadić I, Nitsch R, Opel N, Ophoff RA, Ortuño M, Overs BJ, Pineda-Zapata J, Pomarol-Clotet E, Radua J, Repple J, Roberts G, Rodriguez-Cano E, Sacchet MD, Salvador R, Savitz J, Scheffler F, Schofield PR, Schürmeyer N, Shen C, Sim K, Sponheim SR, Stein DJ, Stein F, Straube B, Suo C, Temmingh H, Teutenberg L, Thomas-Odenthal F, Thomopoulos SI, Urosevic S, Usemann P, van Haren NEM, Vargas C, Vieta E, Vilajosana E, Vreeker A, Winter NR, Yatham LN, Thompson PM, Andreassen OA, Ching CRK, Hajek T (2024). Principal component analysis as an efficient method for capturing multivariate brain signatures of complex disorders-ENIGMA study in people with bipolar disorders and obesity. Hum Brain Mapp 45(8):e26682. (full article)

Tüscher O, Muthuraman M, Horstmann JP, Horta G, Radyushkin K, Baumgart J, Sigurdsson T, Endle H, Ji H, Kuhnhäuser P, Götz J, Kepser LJ, Lotze M, Grabe HJ, Völzke H, Leehr EJ, Meinert S, Opel N, Richers S, Stroh A, Daun S, Tittgemeyer M, Uphaus T, Steffen F, Zipp F, Groß J, Groppa S, Dannlowski U, Nitsch R, Vogt J (in press). Altered cortical synaptic lipid signaling leads to intermediate phenotypes of mental disorders. Mol Psychiatry. (full article)

Wüthrich F, Lefebvre S, Mittal VA, Shankman SA, Alexander N, Brosch K, Flinkenflügel K, Goltermann J, Grotegerd D, Hahn T, Jamalabadi H, Jansen A, Leehr EJ, Meinert S, Nenadić I, Nitsch R, Stein F, Straube B, Teutenberg L, Thiel K, Thomas-Odenthal F, Usemann P, Winter A, Dannlowski U, Kircher T, Walther S (2024). The neural signature of psychomotor disturbance in depression. Mol Psychiatry 29(2):317-326. (full article)

Winter N, Blanke J, Leenings R, Ernsting J, Fisch L, Sarink K, Barkhau C, Thiel K, Flinkenflügel K, Winter A, Goltermann J, Meinert S, Dohm K, Repple J, Gruber M, Leehr EJ, Opel N, Grotegerd D, Redlich R, Nitsch R, Bauer J, Heindel W, Groß J, Andlauer TFM, Forstner AJ, Nöthen MM, Rietschel M, Hofmann SG, Pfarr JK, Teutenberg L, Usemann P, Thomas-Odenthal F, Wroblewski A, Brosch K, Stein F, Jansen A, Jamalabadi H, Alexander N, Straube B, Nenadić I, Kircher T, Dannlowski U*, Hahn T* (*equal contribution) (2024). A Systematic Evaluation of Machine Learning-based Biomarkers for Major Depressive Disorder. JAMA Psychiatry 81(4):386-395.

Knierim E, Vogt J, Kintscher M, Ponomarenko A, Baumgart J, Beed P, Korotkova T, Trimbuch T, Panzer A, Steinlein OK, Stephani U, Escayg A, Koko M, Liu Y, Lerche H, Schmitz D, Nitsch R, Schuelke M (2023). Mutations in plasticity-related-gene-1 (PRG-1) protein contribute to hippocampal seizure susceptibility and modify epileptic phenotype. Cereb Cortex 33(12):7454-7467. (full article)

Chalas N, Daube C, Kluger DS, Abbasi O, Nitsch R, Gross J (2023). Speech onsets and sustained speech contribute differentially to delta and theta speech tracking in auditory cortex. Cereb Cortex 33(10:6273-6281. (full article)

Endle H, Horta G, Stutz B, Muthuraman M, Tegeder I, Schreiber Y, Snodgrass IF, Gurke R, Liu ZW, Sestan-Pesa M, Radyushkin K, Streu N, Fan W, Baumgart J, Li Y, Kloss F, Groppa S, Opel N, Dannlowski U, Grabe HJ, Zipp F, Rácz B, Horvath TL, Nitsch R, Vogt J (2022). AgRP neurons control feeding behavior at cortical synapses via peripherally-derived lysophospholipids. Nature Metabolism 4(6):683-692. (full article)

Chalas N, Daube C, Kluger  DS,  Abbasi O, Nitsch R, Gross J (2022). Multivariate analysis of speech envelope tracking reveals coupling beyond auditory cortex. NeuroImage 258:119395. (full article)

Bitar L, Uphaus T, Thalman C, Muthuraman M, Gyr L, Ji H, Domingues M, Endle H, Groppa S, Steffen F, Koirala N, Fan W, Ibanez L, Heitsch L, Cruchaga C, Lee JM, Kloss F, Bittner S, Nitsch R, Zipp F, Vogt J (2022). Inhibition of the enzyme autotaxin reduces cortical excitability and ameliorates the outcome in stroke. Science Translational Medicine 14(641):eabk0135. (full article)

Thalman C*, Horta G*, Qiao L, Endle H, Tegeder I, Cheng H, Laube G, Sigurdsson T, Hauser MJ, Tenzer S, Distler U, Aoki J, Morris AJ, Geisslinger G, Röper J, Kirischuk S, Luhmann HJ, Radyushkin K, Nitsch R*, Vogt J* (2018). Synaptic phospholipids as a new target for cortical hyperexcitability and E/I balance in psychiatric disorders. Molecular Psychiatry 23(8):1699-1710. *equal contribution  (full article)

Cheng J*, Sahani S*, Hausrat TJ*, Yang JW, Ji H, Schmarowski N, Endle H, Liu X, Li Y, Böttche R, Radyushkin K, Maric HM, Hoerder-Suabedissen A, Molnár Z, Prouvot PH, Trimbuch T, Ninnemann O, Huai J, Fan W, Visentin B, Sabbadini R, Strømgaard K, Stroh A, Luhmann HJ, Kneussel M, Nitsch R* Vogt J* (2016). Precise Somatotopic Thalamocortical Axon Guidance Depends on LPA-Mediated PRG-2/Radixin Signaling. Neuron 92(1):126-142. *equal contribution (full article)

Vogt J*, Yang J*, Mobascher A*, Cheng J, Li J, Liu X, Baumgart J, Thalman C, Kirischuk S, Unichenko P, Horta G, Radyushkin K, Stroh A, Richers S, Sahragard N, Distler U, Tenzer S, Qiao L, Lieb K, Tüscher O, Binder H, Ferreiros N, Tegeder I, Morris A, Groppa S, Winterer G*, Luhmann H*, Huai J*, Nitsch R* (2016). Molecular cause and functional impact of altered synaptic lipid signaling due to a prg-1 gene SNP. EMBO Molecular Medicine 8(1): 25–38. *equal contribution (full article)

Trimbuch T*, Beed P*, Vogt J*, Schuchmann S, Maier N, Kintscher M, Breustedt J, Schuelke M, Streu N, Kieselmann O, Brunk I, Laube G, Strauss U, Battefeld A, Wende H, Birchmeier C, Wiese S, Sendtner M, Kawabe H, Kishimoto-Suga M, Brose N, Baumgart J, Geist B, Aoki J, Savaskan NE, Bräuer AU, Chun J, Ninnemann O, Schmitz D*, Nitsch R* (2009). Synaptic PRG-1 modulates excitatory transmission via lipid phosphate-mediated signaling. Cell 138(6):1222-35. *equal contribution (full article)

EEljaschewitsch E, Witting A, Mawrin C, Lee T, Schmidt PM, Wolf S, Hörtnagl H, Raine CS, Schneider-Stock R, Nitsch R*, Ullrich O* (2006). The endocannabinoid anandamide protects neurons during CNS inflammation by induction of MKP-1 in Microglial Cells. Neuron 49(1): 67-79. *equal contribution (full article)

Aktas O, Smorodchenko A, Brocke S, Infante-Duarte C, Topphoff US, Vogt J, Prozorovski T, Meier S, Osmanova V, Pohl E, Bechmann I, Nitsch R*, Zipp F* (2005). Neuronal damage in autoimmune neuroinflammation mediated by the death ligand TRAIL. Neuron 46(3):421-432. *equal contribution (full article)

Bräuer AU, Savaskan NE, Kühn H, Prehn S, Ninnemann O, Nitsch R (2003). A new phospholipid phosphatase, PRG-1, is involved in axon growth and regenerative sprouting. Nature Neuroscience 6(6):572-578. (full article)

Ullrich O, Diestel A, Eyüpoglu I, Nitsch R (2001). Regulation of microglial expression of integrins by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1. Nat Cell Biol 3(12):1035-1042. (full article)

Nitsch R, Bechmann I, Deisz RA, Haas D, Lehmann TN, Wendling U, Zipp F (2000). Human brain-cell death induced by tumour-necrosis-factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). Lancet 356(9232):827-828. (full article)

Nitsch R, Frotscher M (1992). Reduction of posttraumatic transneuronal "early gene" activation and dendritic atrophy by the NMDA-receptor antagonist MK-801. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 89(11):5197-5200. (full article)

Philosophical studies

Nitsch R, Stahnisch FW. (2018). Neuronal Mechanisms Recording the Stream of Consciousness-A Reappraisal of Wilder Penfield's (1891-1976) Concept of Experiential Phenomena Elicited by Electrical Stimulation of the Human Cortex. Cerebral Cortex 28(9):3347-3355.

Nitsch R (2012). Gehirn, Geist und Bedeutung. Zur Stellung der Hirnforschung in der Leib-Seele-Diskussion. Mentis.

Stahnisch FW, Nitsch R. (2002). Santiago Ramón y Cajal's concept of neuronal plasticity: the ambiguity lives on. Trends Neurosci. 25(11):589-91.