Five rules of good science writing with overview of ethical guidelines

Online course, 12 April, 2022

This on-line workshop, conducted by Dr. David Peralta on Tuesday, was held at the University of Ljubljana (UL) in the framework of the TRENDO project/MSCA RISE funding. Students and scienstists of the UL, as well as external guests, could attend the course.

Two topics were covered:
1) Workshop Five Rules for Good Science Writing
In this slightly more "interactive" workshop, we'll go through the top five tips when it comes to good science writing. We'll cover concrete writing and language exercises and tips, geared towards improved writing and communication in English, with an added focus on style and storytelling.

2) Workshop Ethical Guidelines in Publishing
What constitutes plagiarism? To what extent is graphic optimization allowed? How do I properly cite other work? How should authorship be determined? What graphics/data from other papers can I use in my own manuscript? If you've had such questions, this talk is for you. We'll discuss ethical guidelines within the world of scientific publishing. We'll go through some of the most important rules students and professors should remember to make sure their research is written, published, and shared in an ethical manner. As such, we'll look at some examples of the most common unethical practices and also discuss what the repercussions are when such violations occur. We'll also explain how one can quickly and legally share one's published output.