Group members

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Gromoll
Group leader
Tel.: +49 (0)251 83 5447
E-Mail: Jörg Gromoll


  • About me

    My group is striving to investigate the complex regulation of spermatogenesis by studying distant factors such as hormones and/or immediate factors regulating the germ –cell niche. This essential interplay of factors is required to obtain a quantitative and qualitative normal spermatogenesis or if dysregulated results in impaired spermatogenesis. We are approaching the regulation of spermatogenesis at different physiological and molecular levels using state-of the art techniques. I am a biologist by training with a great interest in deciphering genetic, epigenetic and endocrine causes for male infertility. These causes are studied at different phases of life starting from puberty and ranging into advanced age. Understanding impaired spermatogenesis allows by the same token developing treatment regimens for infertile men, another topic which is integral part of my research activities.

Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Laurentino
Tel.: +49 (0)251 83 57365
E-Mail: Sandra Laurentino


  • About me

    I’m a biochemist by training and did my PhD in Biomedicine. Spermatogenesis and the male germline have been my main research focus since I was a graduate student. My interests range from epigenetics to transcriptional regulation by hormones and transcription factors. I’m also curious about the changes to the male germline that occur with ageing, particularly at the epigenetic level. In addition, I’m interested in next generation sequencing, single-cell and high resolution analysis methods, and on bioinformatics. My goal is to use this knowledge and these tools to understand not only the regulation of germ cell development but also the disregulation of spermatogenesis that occurs, for example, in cases of male infertility.

  • About me

    My research interest is focused on ageing in men with regard to their reproductive function and germ cell production. In particular, my research project deals with questions about how testicular tissue is altered in aged men and how spermatogenesis, spermatogonial population dynamics and the germ cell niche change upon ageing. Furthermore, I am addressing questions like “Is germ cell ageing different from what is known from somatic cells?” or “Does ageing lead to genetic and epigenetic changes which impair germ cell quality?” “What are characteristic molecular ageing signatures in germ cells and somatic cells and are they different between healthy men and patients with infertility?” My expertise is testicular histology and immunohistochemistry as well as molecular biology, e.g. with regard to methylation analysis and pyrosequencing.

Dr. med. Simone Bier
Tel.: +49 (0)251 83 54806
E-Mail: Simone Bier


  • About me

    I am an urologist, currently further specializing in the field of andrology. In this context, I see many patients with a testosterone deficit and associated comorbidities. Surplus, I treat infertility in male patients with child-wish. Particularly in male patients with azoospermia, I perform microsurgical testicular sperm extraction to enable artificial insemination. My research work is focused on the relationship between aging and transformation of hormonal levels, blood values and state of health, as well as quality of life. Furthermore, my research includes the evaluation of the quality and stability of cryopreserved sperm.

Lisa Lahrmann
Tel.: +49 (0)251 83 58651
E-Mail: Lisa Lahrmann

Nicole Terwort
Tel.: +49 (0)251 83 58654  
E-Mail: Nicole Terwort