- 1969-1976: Study of biology at the Technical University Hannover
- 1970-1971: Military service
- 1977: Diploma in Biology, main subject zoology at the Technical University Hannover and the Medical School Hannover; Diploma thesis: Development of an experimental set up to study membrane properties of artificial kidneys in animal experiments
- 1977-1980: Assistant at the Medical School Hannover, Department of Experimental Nephrology
- 1981: Ph.D. thesis in zoology (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Technical University Hannover and the Medical School Hannover, Department of Experimental Nephrology; topic: Metabolism and excretion of peptide hormones in the kidney
- 1980-1986: Research assistant at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysics, Frankfurt/Main in the department of Prof. Dr. R. Greger
- Juni-Aug. 1983 and 1984: Research visits at the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory (MDIBL), Maine, USA
- 1986-1987: Visisting scientist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, Department of Physiology and Biophysics and Nephrology Research and Training Center in the group of Prof. Dr. J. A. Schafer
- 1987-1993: Assistent professor at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Institute of Physiology in the department of Prof. Dr. R. Greger
- 1989: Habilitation in Physiology at the Medical Faculty of the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg; Topic: Regulation of the electrolyte excretion in the kidney via antidiuretic hormon
- 1990: Venia legendi for Physiology by the Medical Faculty of the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
- 1993: Call for a C3-Professorship for "Clinical and Experimental Nephrology and Hypertension Research" at the Medical Faculty of the Westfalian Wilhelms-University Münster, Department of Internal Medicine D
- Feb.-April 1996: Visiting scientist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, Department of Physiology and Biophysics (Prof. Dr. J. A. Schafer)
- 2002-2007: Dean of science of the Medical Faculty of the Westfalian Wilhelms-University Münster
- 2007-2009: Vice Dean for structures and development of the Medical Faculty of the Westfalian Wilhelms-University Münster