Sections & Team

Executive Officer of the Faculty
Dr. Elke Williamson

Personal Assistant to the Dean
Dr. Hagen Bode

Outer Office of the Dean
Kerstin Schulze, Martina Gaugler

Administrative Office
Astrid Luetteke-Butzkies, Cornelia Böcker

Vocational Affairs
Dr. Katrin Johannsen (speaker), Ebru Bilgir, PD Dr. Arne Herring

Research, Evaluation und International Cooperation
Dr. Elke Williamson (speaker), Dr. Stefan Boese (deputy speaker, SerWiM), Dr. Ulrike Bockau, Doris Eckardt (currently absent), Laura Feltel (currently absent), PD Dr. Arne Herring (SerWiM), Rita Naskar (Data integration project), Marie Serwaty-Sárazová, Dr. Katharina Stoerbrauk (currently absent)

Academic Affairs
The "Institute for Student Affairs" acts as the "Dean's Office" of the Faculty of Medicine. You can find the contact details of the IfAS team here

Finances and Staff
Carsten Weverinck (speaker), Boryana Ivanov, Marion Jöster (currently absent), Marie-Lena Müller, Jenny Wortmann

Building Contruction Management & Space Management
Dipl.-Ing. Jens Flunkert (speaker)
Dipl.-Verwaltungswirt Holger Schulze (speaker)

Press, Public Relations and Alumni
Dr. Thomas Bauer (speaker)

please refer to "Administrative Office"

Doctoral Thesis
Iris Högemann, Marion Korall