IZKF Research Rotations (1996 - 2016)
For twenty years, IZKF Rotational Positions provided flexible protected research time during the clinical training, typically for 12 months, to physicians who have already started a scientific career, e.g., as documented by a first scientific publication. The project had to be related to the research foci of the IZKF. This Clinician Scientist career module has been very successful and supported 87 research-active physicians with a total of over 1000 person months amounting to about 5.5 million EURO of IZKF funding.
Until 2016, physicians from 20 clinical departments and institutes at the University Hospital Münster (UKM) were enrolled into the programme showing the broad interest of supporting talented Clinician Scientists across different disciplines. In 2009, the Medical Faculty gradually took over the Clinician Scientists Rotational Position programme from the IZKF and integrated it into its Clinician Scientist programme in 2016. This allowed the IZKF to focus on a novel Clinician Scientist career module, the IZKF SEED.projects.