Dear students!

We are pleased to welcome you to the website of the Department of Ophthalmology. Here you will find all the important information about our clinic, our main focus and special consultation hours, as well as all the important questions for your training and education - regardless of whether you are an intern, a resident or a PJ. Our clinic has 42 beds and, as a supra-regional laser and surgery center, is a leader in the care of patients far beyond the borders of Münsterland. 28 physicians work here as a team and we have 3 wards. Approximately 7700 surgeries are performed each year in 3 major and 2 outpatient operating rooms. In addition to the care of emergency patients, we offer numerous disease-specific consultation hours (e.g. retina, glaucoma, cornea consultation hours). We also have several specialized sub-departments (e.g., vision school, cornea bank, electrophysiology). As a student, you will have the opportunity to participate in our daily routine at all these levels. You will be exposed to the entire spectrum of ophthalmology. You will be able to actively participate and learn in all areas. You will participate in our case discussions, examine and treat patients independently, and assist in surgeries. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope that you will enjoy your time with us and that you will gain many exciting impressions.

Teaching team

Dr. med. Ralph-Laurent Merté
Senior physician

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Viktoria C. Brücher
Senior physician with certificate 'Medizindidaktik NRW' 

Dr. med. Sebastian Dierse
Senior physician

Dr. med. Eliane L. Esser
Assistant physician

Dr. med. Jens J. Storp 
Assistant physician

Dr. med. Julian A. Zimmermann 
Assistant physician