Birgit Stallmeyer hands over the responsibility for Equal Opportunities Leadership to Konstantina Kyriakopoulou

Birgit Stallmeyer, Konstantina Kyriakopoulou and Frank Tüttelmann (left to right)

We are deeply grateful to Birgit Stallmeyer, our former Equal Opportunity Representative, for her remarkable contributions to CRU326 Male Germ Cells since July 2021. Birgit's initiatives have been pivotal in empowering women across all career stages—from students to postdoctoral researchers pursuing habilitations and professorships. Her efforts included, for example, initiating networking events and allocating funding in various ways to foster equity. Particularly impactful were her LabAid support measures, which allowed researchers to continue their projects while managing childcare and other responsibilities.

Birgit's engagement also encouraged further participation in the Leadership Journey, a career development programme established within the CRU (here). Her dedication has nurtured a more inclusive and supportive environment within our community.

With the launch of ReproTrack.MS, we warmly welcome Konstantina Kyriakopoulou, a fellow from our junior scientist research centre, as the new Equal Opportunity Representative. We are confident in Konstantina's ability to build upon Birgit's legacy and further enhance our commitment to equity and career support!

Thank you, Birgit, for your invaluable contributions, and welcome aboard, Konstantina!