Home ReproTrack.MS Research Area A Normozoospemia and Infertility PI: Sabine Kliesch Dr. med. Simone Bier Infertility and Cancer PI: Frank Tüttelmann Dr. med. Johanna Steingröver Infertility and comorbidities PI: Maria Schubert PI: André Karch Dr. med. Mattia Anfosso Research Area B Gene regulatory networks in the prepubertal primate testis PI: Alexander Busch PI: Stefan Schlatt Nadia Edelsztein, PhD Project II PI: Nina Neuhaus PI: Hans Theodor Eich PI: Sarah Sandmann Dr. rer. nat. Juan Manuel Paturlanne Research Area C In situ CatSper Ca2+ channels in human sperm PI: Timo Strünker Hengxi Zhang, PhD Next-generation automated sperm analysis PI: Benjamin Risse Mingkun Tan, PhD Research Area D Project I PI: Martin Götte Konstantina Kyriakopoulou, PhD Project II PI: Verena Nordhoff Dr. med. Janice Jeschke Qualification and Training Programme Male Germ Cells 2020+ P1: Germ Cell Fate P2: Specification of Male Germ Cells P3: SCO, Meiotic Arrest P4: Sertoli Cell Signatures P5: M1AP and Meiosis P6: Dynamics of Germ Cell (Dys)function P7: 3D Genome Architecture P8: Sperm Dysfunction P9: MMAF P10: Sperm Flagella Beat CP: Bioinformatics Coordination & Management 2017 ‒ 2020 SCOS, Meiotic Arrest Germ Cell Fate Specification of Male Germ Cells Epigenetic Dynamics Sperm Dysfunction Sperm Flagella Beat FSH Network CP - OMICs Project Management Interactions Meet the CRU team Outreach Publications Equal Opportunity Family and Work Travel & Workshop Grants CRU326 Workshops Mentoring Networking Links for further support