Great honour for CRU326 'Male Germ Cells' junior scientists!

This year’s andrology highlight, the 34th DGA (German Society for Andrology) congress in Giessen, was not only a huge success on the scientific level – but also on the personal level. Four of our CRU326 members were awarded for presenting their research:


Ann-Kristin Dicke won second prize for Best Poster Presentation in the category Basic Science (Poster title: 'Bi-allelic variants in INSL3 and RXFP2 cause bilateral cryptorchidism and male infertility').


Recognizing their outstanding scientific work as junior researchers, Samuel’s, Sara’s, and Nadja’s abstracts were selected for oral presentation:

Samuel Young: 'A novel diagnostic test to identify patients suffering from loss of CatSper function'.

Sara di Persio: 'Single cell RNA sequencing reveals cellular and molecular alterations underlying two distinct patient subgroups with cryptozoospermia'.

Nadja Rotte: 'Elucidating the relevance of MCM-domain containing 2 (MCMDC2) for male (in-)fertility'.

Their talks were featured in the session Basic Research and Clinical Approaches in the Field of Andrology. For their excellent contributions, the three were awarded with first, second, and third prize for Best Oral Presentation.


Reflecting on the numerous awards granted to CRU members, Corinna Friedrich, DGA research delegate and CRU project leader, underlined: 'I am pleased and proud that our young scientists were so strongly and successfully represented. This is evidence not only of the CRU’s research excellence but also testament to the necessity as well as effect of intensive coaching for early-career scientists.'

For more information on their research projects, please visit the CRU326, CeRA, IRG  website or take a look at the Medical Faculty's website.


Congratulations to all of them – this is a great success for our research unit and we are looking forward to the next congress!