WWU Topical Programme: Reproduction – from Genes to Molecules and Function

Frank Tüttelmann and Timo Strünker - Foto: WWU

Sexual reproduction relies on complex genetic, cellular, and hormonal processes, enabling the emergence of new life by fusion of male and female gametes. However, many of the underlying events are not sufficiently investigated and understood.


Aiming to strengthen and broaden research in this field, our CRU326 PIs Prof. Dr. Frank Tüttelmann (Institute of Reproductive Genetics) and Prof. Dr. Timo Strünker (Centre of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology) applied for a project focussing on the human reproductive cycle: Reproduction – from Genes to Molecules and Function.


The University of Münster offered funding for workshops to identify and differentiate topic areas that are suitable for future research priorities. These topical programmes should support connection between scientists, other research institutions, and international cooperation. With their project, F. Tüttelmann and T. Strünker display one of 22 received and 11 funded applications in 2020/2021. Please find an overview of all recently financed topical programmes here.


With our Clinical Research Unit 326 'Male Germ Cells: from Genes to Function', we were already able to set an important milestone in the field of reproductive research since 2017. The WWU's Topcial Call will now expand our range of topics and includes the investigation of influences of age, lifestyle, and environmental factors on reproductive functions, and thus allow the identification of additional causes of unexplained infertility issues in the future.


Further information on the University's programme and our workshop can be found here or in the current issue of Wissen | Leben (Dec. 2020 / Jan. 2021, No. 8).