32nd CeRA and EAA Summer Academy
It is our pleasure to announce the 32nd CeRA Summer Academy, taking place from 25th-29th September, 2023, in Münster. This year’s Summer Academy is co-hosted by the Centre of Reproductive Medicine and Andrology (CeRA) and the European Academy of Andrology (EAA). The workshop addresses students of biology, biochemistry, clinical, and veterinary medicine as well as postdocs in medicine and natural sciences. The five-day event hosts the seminar series “Human Reproduction: Researching the Secrets of Life”, presenting four plenary sessions that will be streamed online via ZOOM (open to the public). The plenaries feature renowned national and international experts, who will, for example, be talking about sperm-egg interaction or ethical and legal limitations in Reproductive Medicine. The Wednesday plenary lecture (27th September) is organised by the CRU as part of its monthly CRU326/Repro.MS seminar series. For this, we are excited to welcome Dr. med. Andreas Tandler-Schneider from the Fertility Center Berlin. His talk focuses on the German IVF registry and lessons learned from collecting data on medically assisted reproduction. The mini symposium “Milestones of Andrology: from Androgens to Sperm” as well as a course on semen analysis round off the Summer Academy on Friday.
To register, please send an email to Ursula.Rueschhoff@ukmuenster.de. Registration fee is 100€. Students enrolled at the University of Muenster can participate free of charge (Registration necessary).
Please click here for the preliminary programme.
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