3rd International Workshop on Klinefelter Syndrome, Trisomy X, and XYY
We are pleased to announce the 3rd International Workshop on Klinefelter Syndrome, Trisomy X, and XYY that will take place on September 12-14, 2022, in Leiden, The Netherlands.
In aim of the workshop is to share new insights from a 'life-course perspective', addressing the impact of an extra X or Y chromosome throughout life. The life-course approach focuses on a healthy start to life and targets the needs of individuals at critical periods throughout their lifetime. It promotes timely investments to improve outcomes and quality of life.
Renowned experts have been invited to speak at the workshop, but the 3-day event will also give young scientists and clinicians an opportunity to present their recent work during oral presentations and poster sessions.
Further information about the programme of the workshop can be found here. The workshop will have a hybrid format, including both in-person and virtual attendees.
The registration is open. For more information click here.
The abstract submission is open until August 1, 2022. Further information about the submission can be found here.
We are highly looking forward to this event!
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