Drosophila Mini-Symposium Münster
It is our pleasure to announce the 'Münster Drosophila Mini-Symposium' organised by the 'Drosophila Technologieplattform'. The symposium takes place on March 7, 2023, in the PAN-Centre in Münster.
The symposium brings together local scientists from different departments working with drosophila. After a long period of online meetings, the POC looks forward to host an in-person event to learn about the research groups’ expertise and foci and to initiate and foster collaboration among drosophila enthusiasts. And thus, while some fruitful collaborations exist, personal turnover during the years of the pandemic has left overlaps between research areas and potential collaborations unexplored. Especially students have not had the opportunity to gather experience in discussing science with peers and potential collaborators in conference settings in this time. The symposium will give these aspiring young scientists a platform to present and discuss their projects.
The format of the symposium includes short talks about current projects and time for fruitful and interesting discussions.
Further information about the programme can be found here. To register, click here. The deadline is February 27.
We are highly looking forward to this event!
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