Kick-off CRU/Repro.MS brown bag lunch series for female scientists

It is our great pleasure to announce the kick-off of the CRU/Repro.MS brown bag lunch series for female scientists. The first meeting takes place on 15th September, 2-3.30PM. We are delighted to welcome Prof. Dr. Meret Huber, Emmy Noether Research Group Leader (Plant Evolutionary Ecology) from the University of Mainz. Meret Huber received her PhD from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena. Between 2018 and 2022 she established a junior research group at the University of Münster from where she moved on to Mainz as assistant professor, heading her own working group.


The brown bag lunch series brings together our upcoming women scientists with advanced female researchers from numerous scientific fields. In a casual setting, CRU and Repro.MS researchers get together to meet female role models who have successfully progressed in their scientific careers.


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