(Abstract - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2023.06.009
Linking human Dead end 1 (DND1) variants to male infertility employing zebrafish embryos
Human Reproduction, pp. 1–16, 2023
(Abstract - https://doi.org/10.1093/humrep/dead031)
Truszkowski, L., Batur, D., Long, H., Tarbashevich, K., Vos, BE., Trappmann, B., Raz E. (2023)
Primordial germ cells adjust their protrusion type while migrating in different tissue contexts in vivo
Development 150 (2): dev200603
(Abstract - https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.200603 )
Prummel. KD., Crowell, HL., Nieuwenhuize, S., Brombacher, EC., Daetwyler, S., Soneson, C., Kresoja-Rakic, J., Kocere, A., Ronner, M., Ernst, A., Labbaf, Z., Clouthier, DE, Firulli, AB , Héctor Sánchez-Iranzo 14 15 , Naganathan, SH., O’Rourke, R, Raz, E., Mercader, N., Burger, A., Felley-Bosco, E., Huisken, J., Robinson MD., Mosiman, C. (2022)
Hand2 delineates mesothelium progenitors and is reactivated in mesothelioma
Nature Communications, 13(1):1677.
(Abstract - https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-29311-7 )
Kummer, D., Steinbacher, T., Thölmann, S., Flavia Schwietzer, M., Hartmann, C., Horenkamp, S., Demuth, D., Peddibhotla, S., Brinkmann, F., Kemper, B., Schnekenburger, J., Brandt, M., Betz, T., Liashkovich, I., Kouzel, IU. Shahin, V., Corvaia, N., Rottner, K., Tarbashevich, K., Raz, E., Greune, L., Schmidt, MA., Gerke, V., Ebnet, K. (2022)
A JAM-A–tetraspanin–αvβ5 integrin complex regulates contact inhibition of locomotion.
Journal of Cell Biology 221 (4): e202105147
(Abstract - https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.202105147 )
Marzano, M., Herzmann, S., Elsbroek, L., Sanal, N., Tarbashevich ,K., Raz, E., Krahn, MP., Rumpf, S. (2021)
AMPK adapts metabolism to developmental energy requirement during dendrite pruning in Drosophila.
Cell Reports 37(7):110024. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.110024.
(Abstract - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211124721015060?dgcid=rss_sd_all )
Mall, EM., Lecanda, A., Drexler, HCA., Raz, E., Schöler, HR., Schlatt, S. (2021)
Heading towards a dead end: The role of DND1 in germ line differentiation of human iPSCs.
Plos ONE.
(Abstract - https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0258427 ).
Zebrafish Primordial Germ Cell Migration.
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 23 June 2021
(Abstract- https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2021.684460 )
Zebrafish dazl regulates cystogenesis and germline stem cell specification during the primordial germ cell to germline stem cell transition
Development 2021 : dev.187773 doi: 10.1242/dev.187773
(Abstract - https://dev.biologists.org/content/early/2021/03/11/dev.187773 )
Chemokine-biased robust self-organizing polarization of migrating cells in vivo
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA * Equal contribution
Using migrating cells as probes to illuminate features in live embryonic tissues
Science Advances (6) 49, eabc5546. * Equal contribution , + co-corresponding authors
(Abstract - https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/6/49/eabc5546 )
Building Relationships: A Role for Innexins in Tissue Formation
Developmental Cell 54(4):428-430.
(Abstract - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32841593 )
(Abstract - https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19114-z )
Dead end and Detour: The function of the RNA-binding protein Dnd in posttranscriptional regulation in the germline.
Current Topics in Developmental Biology, (140): 181-208
Westerich, K.J.*, Chandrasekaran, K.S.*, Gross-Thebing, T., Kück, N., Raz, E. +, Rentmeister, A. + (2020)
Bioorthogonal mRNA labeling at the poly(A) tail for imaging localization and dynamics in live zebrafish embryos
Chemical Science, 11,3089, * Equal contribution , + co-corresponding authors
(Abstract - https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/sc/c9sc05981d#!divAbstract )
( Author contribution and Supplementary Material - https://www.rsc.org/suppdata/c9/sc/c9sc05981d/c9sc05981d1.pdf)
Grimaldi, C., Raz E. (2020)
Germ cell migration-Evolutionary issues and current understanding.
Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology (100): 152-159.
(Abstract - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1084952119300552?via%3Dihub )
Lavi, I., Goudarzi, M., Raz, E.,Gov, N., Voituriez, R., Sens, P. (2019)
Chellular blebs and membrane invaginations are coupled through membrane tension buffering.
Biophysical Journal (117)8: 1485-1495,
(Abstract - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpj.2019.08.002 )
Skvortsova K*., Tarbashevich*., Stehling M., Lister R., Irimia M., Raz E., Bogdanovic O. (2019)
Retention of paternal DNA methylome in the developing zebrafish germline.
Nature Communications 10(1):3054 *Equal contribution
(Abstract- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-10895-6 )
Goudarzi M., Boquet-Pujadas A., Olivo- Marin J.-C., Raz E. (2019)
Fluid dynamics during bleb formation in migrating cells in vivo.
PLoS ONE 14(2): e0212699.
(Abstract - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0212699 )
Malhotra, D, Shin, J, Solnica-Krezel, J., Raz, E. (2018)
Spatio-temporal regulation of concurrent developmental processes by generic signaling downstream of chemokine receptors.
eLife 2018;7:e37888
(Abstract - https://elifesciences.org/articles/33574 )
(Insight - https://elifesciences.org/articles/37888 )
Pfeiffer, J.*, Tarbashevich, K.*, Bandemer, J., Palm, T., Raz, E. (2018)
Rapid progression through the cell cycle ensures efficient migration of primordial germ cells - the role of Hsp90.
Developmental Biology. pii: S0012-1606(17)30563-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2018.02.014 *Equal contribution
Cao, J., Ehling, M., März. S., Seebach. J., Tarbashevich. K., Sixta. T., Pitulescu. M.E., Werner, A.C., Flach, B., Montanez, E., Raz. E., Adams. R.H., Schnittler. H.. (2017)
Polarized actin and VE-cadherin dynamics regulate junctional remodelling and cell migration during sprouting angiogenesis.
Nature Communications 8:2210. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02373-8
Gross-Thebing, T., Yigit, S., Pfeiffer, Reichman-Fried, M., Bandemer, J., Ruckert, C, Rathmer, C., Goudarzi, M., Stehling, M., Tarbashevich, K., Seggewiss, J., Raz, E. (2017)
The vertebrate protein Dead end maintains primordial germ cell fate by inhibiting somatic differentiation.
Developmental cell 43 (6):704-715
Goudarzi, M., Tarbashevich, K., Mildner, K., Begemann, I., Garcia, J., Paksa, A., Reichman-Fried, M., Mahabaleshwar, H., Blaser, H., Hartwig, J., Zeuschner, D., Galic, M., Bagnat, M., Betz, T., Raz E. (2017)
Bleb expansion in migrating cells depends on supply of membrane from cell surface invaginations.
Developmental Cell 43 (5):577–587
(Abstract) (About the author)
Stainier, D, Raz, E., Lawson, N., Ekker, S., Burdine, R., Eisen, J., Ingham, P., Schulte-Merker, S., Yelon, D., Weinstein, B., Mullins, M., Wilson, S., Ramakrishnan, L., Amacher, S., Neuhauss, S., Meng, A., Mochizuki, N., Panula, P., Moens, C. (2017)
Guidelines for morpholino use in zebrafish
PLOS Genetics, doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1007000
Hörner F., Meissner R., Polali S., Pfeiffer J., Betz T., Denz C., Raz E. (2017)
Holographic optical tweezers-based in vivo manipulations in zebrafish embryos.
Journal of Biophotonics. DOI 10.1002/jbio.201600226
Idle, A., Stolp, B., Böhmer, V., Geyer, M., Raz, E., Fackler, O.T. (2016)
D186/D190 is an allele-dependent determinant of HIV-1 Nef function.
Virology 498: 44–56
Otten, A.B., Theunissen, T.E., Derhaag, J.G., Lambrichs, E.H., Boston, I.B., Windy, M., van Montfort, A.P., Tarbashevich, K., Raz, E., Gerards, M., Vanoevelen, J.M., van den Bosch, B.J., Muller M., Smeets, H.J. (2016)
Differences in Strength and Timing of the mtDNA Bottleneck between Zebrafish Germline and Non-germline Cells.
Cell Reports 16, 622–630
Paksa, A., Bandemer, J., Hoeckendorf, B., Razin N., Tarbashevich, K., Minina, S., Meyen, D., Biundo, A., Leidel, S.A., Peyrieras, N., Gov, N.S., Keller, P.J., Raz, E. (2016)
Repulsive cues combined with physical barriers and cell–cell adhesion determine progenitor cell positioning during organogenesis.
Nature Communications 7:11288. doi:10.1038/ncomms11288
Reichman-Fried, M., Raz, E. (2016)
Blood, blebs and lumen expansion.
Nature Cell Biology 18: 366–367
Tulotta, C., Stefanescu, C., Beletkaia. E., Bussmann, J., Tarbashevich, K., Schmidt, T., Snaar-Jagalska, E. (2016)
Inhibition of signaling between human CXCR4 and zebrafish ligands by the small molecule IT1t impairs the formation of triple-negative breast cancer early metastases in a zebrafish xenograft model.
Disease Models & Mechanisms 9, 141-153
Goudarzi,M., Mildner, K., Babatz, F., Riedel, D., Klämbt, C., Zeuschner, D., Raz, E. (2015)
Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy of Rare Cell Populations in Zebrafish Embryos Using Laser Marks.
Zebrafish. 12(6): 470-473.
Sixt M,, Raz E. (2015)
Editorial overview: Cell adhesion and migration
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 36: iv–vi
Paksa, A. Raz, E. (2015)
Zebrafish germ cells: motility and guided migration.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 36:80–85
(Abstract - Pubmed)
Meyen, D., Tarbashevich, K., Banisch, T.U., Wittwer, C., Reichman-Fried, M., Maugis, B., Grimaldi, C., Messerschmidt, E., Raz, E.(2015)
Dynamic filopodia are required for chemokine-dependent intracellular polarization during guided cell migration in vivo
eLife 2015;4:e05279
(Abstract - Pubmed)
Tarbashevich, K., Reichman-Fried, M., Grimaldi, C, Raz, E. (2015)
Chemokine-Dependent pH Elevation at the Cell Front Sustains Polarity in Directionally Migrating Zebrafish Germ Cells.
Current Biology 25(8):1096-1103
(Abstract - Pubmed)
Bussmann, J., Raz, E.(2015)
Chemokine-guided cell migration and motility in zebrafish development.
EMBO J. 34(10):1309-1318
(Abstract - Pubmed)
Stanganello, E., Hagemann, A.I., Mattes, B., Sinner, C., Meyen, D., Weber, S., Schug, A., Raz, E., Scholpp, S. (2015)
Filopodia-based Wnt transport during vertebrate tissue patterning.
Nature Communications 6:5846. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6846
(Abstract - Pubmed)
Xu, C., Hasan, S.S., Schmidt, I., Rocha, S.F., Pitulescu, M.E., Bussmann J., Meyen, D., Raz, E., Adams, R.H., Siekmann, A.F. (2014)
Arteries are formed by vein-derived endothelial tip cells.
Nature Communications 5:5758. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6758
(Abstract - Pubmed)
Dalle Nogare, D., Somers, K., Rao, S., Matsuda, M., Reichman-Fried, M., Raz, E., Chitnis. A.B. (2014)
Leading and trailing cells cooperate in collective migration of the zebrafish Posterior Lateral Line primordium.
(Abstract - Pubmed)
Gross-Thebing, T.*, Paksa, A.*, Raz, E. (2014)
Simultaneous high-resolution detection of multiple transcripts combined with localization of proteins in whole-mount embryos.
BMC Biology, 12(1):55 *Equal contribution
(Abstract - Pubmed)
Hartwig, J., Tarbashevich, K., Seggewiß, J., Stehling, M., Bandemer, J., Grimaldi, C., Paksa, A., Gross-Thebing, T., Meyen, D., Raz, E. (2014)
Temporal control over the initiation of cell motility by a regulator of G-protein signaling.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 111(31):11389-94
(Abstract - Pubmed)
Reichman-Fried, M., Raz, E. (2014)
Small proteins, big roles: The signaling protein Apela extends the complexity of developmental pathways in the early zebrafish embryo.
Bioassays, 36 (8): 741-745
(Abstract - Pubmed)
Goudarzi, M., Strate, I., Paksa, A., Lagendijk, A., Bakkers, J., Raz., E. (2013)
On the robustness of germ cell migration and microRNA-mediated regulation of chemokine signaling.
Nature Genetics, 45: 1264-1265
(Abstract - Pubmed)
Paluch, E.K., Raz, E. (2013)
The role and regulation of blebs in cell migration.
Current Opinions in Cell Biology, 25 (5): 582-590
(Abstract - Pubmed)
Honisch, C., Friedrich, R., Hörner, F., Denz, C. (2012)
Extended Kramers-Moyal analysis applied to optical trapping.
Physical Review E, 86 (2): 026702
Mahabaleshwar, H.*, Tarbashevich, K.*, Nowak, M., Brand, M., Raz, E. (2012)
β-arrestin control of late endosomal sorting facilitates decoy receptor function and chemokine gradient formation
Development, 139: 2897-2902. *Equal contribution
(Abstract - Pubmed)
Stueckemann, T.*, Wegleiter, T.*, Stefan, E., Naegele, O., Tarbashevich, K., Boeck, G., Raz, E. and Aanstad P. (2012)
Zebrafish Cxcr4a determines the proliferative response to Hedgehog signalling.
Development, 139: 2711-2720. *Equal contribution
(Abstract - Pubmed)
Goudarzi, M.*, Banisch, T.U.*, Mobin, M.B., Maghelli, N., Tarbashevich, K., Strate, I., van den Berg, J., Blaser, H., Bandemer, S., Paluch, E., Bakkers, J., Tolić-Nørrelykke, I.M., Raz, E. (2012)
Identification and regulation of a molecular module for bleb-based cell motility.
Developmental Cell, 23: 210-218. *Equal contribution
(Abstract - Pubmed)
Banisch, T.U., Goudarzi, M., Raz, E. (2012)
Small RNAs in Germ Cell Development
Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Vol 99
microRNAs in Development
Ed. Hornstein, E., Elsevier : 79-114. 79-113.
Xu, H., Kardash, E., Chen, S., Raz, E., Lin, F. (2012)
Gβγ signaling controls the polarization of zebrafish primordial germ cells by regulating Rac activity.
Development, 139: 57-62.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Kardash, E., Bandemer, J., Raz, E. (2011)
Imaging protein activity in live embryos using fluorescence resonance energy transfer biosensors
Nature Protocols, 6: 1835–1846.
Boldajipour, B.*, Doitsidou, M.*, Tarbashevich, K.*, Laguri, C., Yu, S.R., Ries, J., Dumstrei, K., Thelen, S., Dörries, J., Messerschmidt, E., Thelen, M., Schwille, P., Brand, M., Lortat-Jacob, H., Raz, E. (2011)
Cxcl12 evolution – subfunctionalization of a ligand through altered interaction with the chemokine receptor.
Development 2011 138: 2909-2914 *Equal contribution
(Abstract - PubMed)
Mickoleit, M.*, Banisch, T.U.*, Raz, E. (2011)
Regulation of hub mRNA Stability and Translation by miR430 and the Dead End Protein Promotes Preferential Expression in Zebrafish Primordial Germ Cells.
Developmental Dynamics, 240: 695–703 *Equal contribution
(Abstract - PubMed)
Tarbashevich K., Raz E. (2010)
The nuts and bolts of germ-cell migration.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 22: 1–7.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Naumann, U., Cameroni, E., Pruenster, M., Mahabaleshwar, H., Raz, E., Zerwes, H.G., Rot, A., Thelen, M. (2010)
CXCR7 functions as a scavenger for CXCL12 and CXCL11
PLoS One., 5(2):e9175
(Abstract - Pub Med)
Kardash, E., Reichman-Fried, M., Maître, JL., Boldajipour, B., Papusheva, E., Messerschmidt, EM., Heisenberg, CP., Raz, E. (2010)
A role for Rho GTPases and cell–cell adhesion in single-cell motility in vivo.
Nature Cell Biology, 12: 47-53.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Mulligan T., Blaser H., Raz E, Farber S.A. (2010)
Prenylation-deficient G protein gamma subunits disrupt GPCR signaling in the zebrafish.
Cellular Signalling 22: 221-33.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Stolp, B., Reichman-Fried, M., Abraham, L., Pan, X., Giese, S.I., Hannemann, S., Goulimari, P., Raz, E., Grosse, R., Fackler, O.T. (2009)
HIV-1 Nef Interferes with Host Cell Motility by Deregulation of Cofilin.
Cell Host and Microbe 6: 174-186.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Mich, J.K., Blaser, H., Thomas, N.A., Firestone, A.J., Yelon, D, Raz, E, Chen, J.K. (2009)
Germ cell migration in zebrafish is cyclopamine-sensitive but Smoothened-independent.
Developmental Biology 328: 342-354.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Raz E, Mahabaleshwar H. (2009)
Chemokine signaling in embryonic cell migration: a fisheye view.
Development 136: 1223-1229.
Slanchev K, Stebler J, Goudarzi M, Cojocaru V, Weidinger G, Raz E. (2009)
Control of dead end localization and activity--implications for the function of the protein in antagonizing miRNA function.
Mech Dev. 126(3-4): 270-7.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Mahabaleshwar H, Boldajipour B, Raz E. (2008)
Killing the messenger: The role of CXCR7 in regulating primordial germ cell migration.
Cell Adh Migr. Apr;2(2):69-70. Epub 2008 Apr 3.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Strasser, M.J*., Mackenzie, N.C.*, Dumstrei, K., Nakkrasae, L., Stebler, J., Raz, E. (2008)
Control over the morphology and segregation of Zebrafish germ cell granules during embryonic development.
BMC Developmental Biology 8:58. *Equal contribution
(Abstract - PubMed)
Herpin A, Fischer P, Liedtke D, Kluever N, Neuner C, Raz E, Schartl M. (2008)
Sequential SDF1a and b-induced mobility guides Medaka PGC migration.
Developmental Biology 320: 319-327.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Boldajipour, B.*, Mahabaleshwar, H.*, Kardash, E., Reichman-Fried, M., Blaser, H., Minina, S., Wilson, D., Xu, Q. and Raz, E. (2008)
Control of Chemokine-Guided Cell Migration by Ligand Sequestration.
Cell 132: 463-473. *Equal contribution
(Abstract - PubMed)
Kedde, M., Strasser, M.J., Boldajipour, B., Oude Vrielink, J.A.F., Slanchev, K., le Sage, C., Nagel, R., Voorhoeve, M., van Duijse, J., Andersson Ørom, U., Lund, A.H., Perrakis, A., Raz, E.*, Agami, R.* (2007)
RNA-Binding Protein Dnd1 Inhibits MicroRNA Access to Target mRNA.
Cell 31:1273-1286. *co-corresponding authors
(Abstract - PubMed)
Minina,S., Reichman-Fried, M. and Raz, E. (2007)
Control of Receptor Internalization, Signaling Level, and Precise Arrival at the Target in Guided Cell Migration.
Current Biology 17:1164-1172.
Boldajipour B, Raz E. (2007)
What is left behind--quality control in germ cell migration.
Science STKE 383: pe16
(Abstract - PubMed)
Houwing, S., Kamminga, LM., Berezikov, E., Cronembold, D., Girard, A., van den Elst, H., Filippov, DV., Blaser, H., Raz, E., Moens, CB., Plasterk, RH., Hannon, GJ., Draper, BW.and Ketting, RF. (2007)
A Role for Piwi and piRNAs in Germ Cell Maintenance and Transposon Silencing in Zebrafish.
Cell. 129:69-82.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Herpin, A., Rohr, S., Riedel, D., Kluever, N., Raz, E. and Schartl, M. (2007)
Specification of primordial germ cells in medaka (Oryzias latipes).
BMC Developmental Biology 7:3.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Blaser, H.*, Reichman-Fried, M.*, Castanon, I., Dumstrei, K., Marlow, F.L., Kawakami, K., Solnica-Krezel, L., Heisenberg, C-P. and Raz, E. (2006)
Migration of Primordial Germ Cells: A Role for Myosin Contraction and Cytoplasmic Flow.
Developmental Cell 11: 613-627. *Equal contribution
(Abstract - PubMed)
Mackenzie C.N. and Raz, E. (2006)
Found in Translation: A New Player in EMT.
Developmental Cell 11: 434-436.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Raz, E. and Reichman-Fried, M. (2006)
Attraction rules: Germ Cell Migration in Zebrafish.
Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 16: 355-359.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Vasyutina, E., Stebler, J., Brand-Saberi, B., Schulz, S., Raz, E. and Birchmeier, C. (2005)
CXCR4 and Gab1 cooperate to control the development of migrating muscle progenitor cells.
Genes and Development 19: 2187-2198.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Blaser, H., Eisenbeiss, S., Neumann, M., Reichman-Fried, M.,Thisse, B., Thisse, C. and Raz, E. (2005)
Transition from non-motile behaviour to directed migration during early PGC development in zebrafish.
Journal of Cell Science 118: 4027-4038.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Raz, E (2005)
Germ Cells: Sex and Repression in Mice.
Current Biology 15: R600-603.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Slanchev, K., Stebler, J., de la Cueva-Mendez, G. and Raz E. (2005)
Development without germ cells: The role of the germ line in zebrafish sex differentiation.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 102: 4074-4079.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Raz, E. (2004)
Primordial Germ Cell Migration in Zebrafish.
In Cell Migration in Development and Disease. Ed. Wedlich, D. Willey-VCH: 173-189.
Dumstrei, K., Mennecke, R. and Raz, E. (2004)
Signaling pathways controlling primordial germ cell migration in zebrafish.
Journal of Cell Science 117: 4787-4795.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Stebler, J., Spieler, D., Slanchev, K., Molyneaux, K.A., Richter, U., Cojocaru, V., Tarabykin, V., Wylie, C., Kessel, M. and Raz, E. (2004)
Primordial germ cell migration in the chick and mouse embryo: the role of the chemokine SDF-1/CXCL12.
Developmental Biology 272: 351-361.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Raz, E. (2004)
Guidance of primordial germ cell migration.
Current Opinions in Cell Biology 16: 169-173.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Spieler, D., Baumer, N., Stebler, J., Koprunner, M., Reichman-Fried, M., Teichmann, U., Raz, E., Kessel, M. and Wittler, L. (2004)
Involvement of Pax6 and Otx2 in the forebrain-specific regulation of the vertebrate homeobox gene ANF/Hesx1.
Developmental Biology 269: 567-579.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Reichman-Fried, M., Minina, S. and Raz, E. (2004)
Autonomous Modes of Behavior in Primordial Germ Cell Migration.
Developmental Cell 6: 589-596.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Thorpe, J.L., Doitsidou, M., Ho, S-Y., Raz, E. and Farber, S.A. (2004)
Germ Cell Migration in Zebrafish Is Dependent on HMGCoA Reductase Activity and Prenylation.
Developmental Cell 6: 295-302.
(Abstract - Pub Med)
Molyneaux, K.A., Zinszner, H., Kunwar, P.S., Schaible, K., Stebler, J., Sunshine, M.J., O'Brien, W., Raz , E., Littman, D., Wylie, C. and Lehmann, R. (2003)
The chemokine SDF1/CXCL12 and its receptor CXCR4 regulate mouse germ cell migration and survival.
Development 130: 4279-4286.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Raz, E. (2003)
Primordial germ-cell development: the zebrafish perspective.
Nature Reviews Genetics 4: 690-700.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Weidinger, G., Stebler, J., Slanchev, K., Dumstrei, K., Wise, C., Lovell-Badge, R., Thisse, C., Thisse, B. and Raz, E. (2003)
dead end, a Novel Vertebrate Germ Plasm Component, Is Required for Zebrafish Primordial Germ Cell Migration and Survival.
Current Biology 13:1429-1434.
(Abstract - Pub Med)
Raz, E. (2002)
Primordial germ cell development in zebrafish.
Semin Cell Dev Biol. 13: 489-495.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Doitsidou, M., Reichman-Fried, M., Stebler, J., Köprunner, M., Dörries, J., Meyer, D., Esguerra, V.C., Leung, T. and Raz, E. (2002)
Guidance of primordial germ cell migration by the chemokine SDF-1.
Cell 111: 647-659.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Ciruna, B., Weidinger, G., Knaut, H., Thisse, B., Thisse, C., Raz, E. and Schier, A. F. (2002)
Production of maternal-zygotic mutant zebrafish by germ-line replacement.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 99: 14919-14924.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Raz, E. and Hopkins, N. (2002)
Primordial germ-cell development in zebrafish.
In Results Probl. Cell Differ. 40 Pattern Formation in Zebrafish. Ed. Solnica-Krezel, L. Springer-Verlag : 166-179.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Mueller, K., Thisse, C., Thisse, B., Raz, E. (2002)
Expression of a linker histone-like gene in the primordial germ cells in zebrafish.
Mech. Dev. 117(1-2): 253–257.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Wolke, U.,Weidinger, G.,Köprunner, M.and Raz E. (2002)
Multiple levels of posttranscriptional control lead to germline-specific gene expression in the zebrafish.
Current Biology. 12: 289-294.
Weidinger, G., Wolke, U., Köprunner, M., Thisse, C., Thisse, B. and Raz, E. (2002)
Regulation of zebrafish primordial germ cell migration by attraction towards an intermediate target.
Development. 129: 25-36.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Köprunner, M., Thisse, C., Thisse, B. and Raz, E. (2001)
A zebrafish nanos related gene is essential for the development of primordial germ cells.
Genes and Development 15 (21): 2877-2885.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Raz, E. (2000)
The function and regulation of vasa-like genes in germ-cell development.
Genome Biol. 1(3): 1017.1-1017.6.
(Abstract - PubMed)
Weidinger, G.*, Wolke, U.*, Köprunner, M., Klinger, M., and Raz, E. (1999)
Identification of tissues and patterning events required for distinct steps in early migration of zebrafish primordial germ cells.
Development 126(23): 5295-5307. *Equal contribution
(Abstract - PubMed)
Zhang, Q., Yaniv, K., Oberman, F., Wolke, U., Git, A., Fromer, M., Taylor, W.L., Meyer, D., Standart, N., Raz, E., and Yisraeli, J.K. (1999)
Vg1 RBP intracellular distribution and evolutionarily conserved expression at multiple stages during development.
Mech. Dev. 88(1): 101-106.
(Abstract - PubMed)