Dogus Darici
Dr. med.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Institut für Anatomie & Molekulare Neurobiologie

Vesaliusweg 2-4
48149 Münster

Telefon: +49 (0) 251 83-55246
Telefax: +49 (0) 251 83-50248
Email: Dogus Darici

  • Lebenslauf

    Titel:Dr. med., M.Sc., MME

    Beruflicher Werdegang

    2011 - 2017Studium der Humanmedizin, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Linköpings Universitet (SWE) und Universität Zürich (CH)
    2013 - 2022Studium der Psychologie, Institut für Pädagogische Psychologie, FernUniversität Hagen
    2018Approbation, Ärztekammer Berlin
    2018Promotion (Dr. med.), Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
    2018 - 2020Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Charité Berlin
    seit 2020Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für Anatomie & Molekulare Neurobiologie, Universität Münster
    2021 - 2024Postgraduiertenstudium Master of Medical Education (MME), Universität Heidelberg
    2024Visiting Scholar an der Harvard Graduate School of Education
    seit 2024Lehrkoordinator


    Anatomical Sciences Education; Medical Teacher; Annals of Anatomy; Journal of Medical Internet Research; Medical Education and Training; Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy; Plos One; BMC Medical Education; GMS Journal for Medical Education, Cogent Education, Discover Education, Journal of Advanced Nursing
  • Publikationen

    Originalarbeiten (nur „peer-reviewed“):

    1. Darici D., Reissner C., Brockhaus J., Missler M. (2021) Implementation of a fully digital histology course in the anatomical teaching curriculum during COVID-19 pandemic; Ann Anat 236:151718; doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2021.151718
    2. Darici D., Missler M., Schober A., Masthoff M., Schnittler H., Schmitz M. (2022) "Fun slipping into the doctor's role" - The relationship between sonoanatomy teaching and professional identity formation before and during the Covid-19 pandemic; Anat Sci Educ. 15(3):447–463; doi: 10.1002/ase.2178
    3. Darici D., Schneider A.Y.D., Missler M., Pfleiderer B. (2023) Are stereotypes in decline? The portrayal of female anatomy in e-learning; Anat Sci Educ. 16(4):720–732; doi: 10.1002/ase.2211
    4. Darici D., Masthoff M., Rischen R., Schmitz M., Ohlenburg H., Missler M. (2023) Medical imaging training with eye movement modeling examples: A randomized controlled study; Medical Teacher 45(8):918–924; doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2189538
    5. Darici D., Reissner C., Missler M. (2023) Webcam-based eye-tracking to measure visual expertise of medical students during online histology training; GMS J Med Educ 40(5):Doc60; doi: 10.3205/zma001642
    6. Darici D., Flägel K., Sternecker K., Missler M. (2023) Transfer of learning in histology: Insights from a longitudinal study; Anat Sci Educ 17:274-286; doi: 10.1002/ase.2363
    7. Otto N., Böckers A., Shiozawa T., Brunk I., Schumann S., Kugelmann D., Missler M., Darici D. (2024) Profiling learning strategies of medical students: A person-centered approach; Med Educ. 58:1304–1314; doi: 10.1111/medu.15388
    8. Bostedt D., Dogan E.H., Benker S.C., Rasmus M.A., Eisner E., Simon N.L., Schmitz M., Missler M., Darici D. (2024) Interprofessional socialization of first-year medical and midwifery students: effects of an ultra-brief anatomy training; BMC Med Educ. 24:464; doi: 10.1186/s12909-024-05451-w
    9. Mielke Cabello L.A., Meresman G., Darici D., Carnovale N., Heitkötter B., Schulte M., Espinoza-Sánchez N.A., Le Q.K., Kiesel L., Schäfer S.D., Götte M. (2024) Assessment of the Ferroptosis Regulators: Glutathione Peroxidase 4, Acyl-Coenzyme A Synthetase Long-Chain Family Member 4, and Transferrin Receptor 1 in Patient-Derived Endometriosis Tissue; Biomolecules 14(7), 876; doi: 10.3390/biom14070876
    10. Lohse Y., Last K., Darici D., Becker S.L., Papan C. (2024) Migration background, skin colour, gender, and infectious disease presentation in clinical vignettes; The Lancet. Digital health 16(8), e539–e540; doi: 10.1016/S2589-7500(24)00112-2
    11. Bellstedt M., Holtrup A., Otto N., Berndt M., Scherff A.D., Papan C., Robitzsch A., Missler M., Darici D. (2024) Gaze cueing improves pattern recognition of histology learners; Anat Sci Educ 00:1-12; doi: 10.1002/ase.2498
    12. Beher A., Moreno-Alfonso J.C., Garnier H., Darici D., Salö M.J., Aubert O. (2024) A Survey of Preoperative, Perioperative, and Postoperative Management Practices for Testicular Torsion in Pediatric Patients among European Surgeons; Eur J Pediatr Surg ; DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1790244
    13. Brügge E., Ricchizzi S., Arenbeck M., Keller M.N., Schur L., Stummer W., Holling M., Lu M.H. & Darici, D. (2024) Large language models improve clinical decision making of medical students through patient simulation and structured feedback: A randomized controlled trial; BMC Medical Education 24:1391;  DOI: 10.1186/s12909-024-06399-7
    14. Grüneberg C., Bäuerle A., Karunakaran S., Darici D., Dörrie N., Teufel M., Benson S., Robitzsch A. (2024) Medical students‘ acceptance of tailored e-mental health applications to foster mental health: a cross-sectional study; JMIR Medical Education;  DOI: 10.2196/58183  -  [ in press ]
    15. Neubacher M., Darici D., Krawczyk N., Arslan M., Pruss M., Fehm T. & Beyer I. (2024); Effects of systematically guided vs. self-directed laparoscopic box training on learning performances: An observational study. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 84(12):1135–1142;  DOI: 10.1055/a-2415-5929
    16. Lorenz J., Zevano J., Otto N., Schneider B., Papan C., Missler M., Darici D. (2024); Looking at Social Interactions in Medical Education with Dual Eye-Tracking Technology: A Scoping Review. MedEdPublish 14:215;  DOI: 10.12688/mep.20577.2
  • Stipendien & Auszeichnungen

    2021Auszeichnung "Lehrer des Jahres", Fachschaft Medizin der Universität Münster
    2022Auszeichnung "Paper of the Month" 08/2022, Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Münster
    2023Förderung des Projekts „Eye Movement Modeling Examples in der Histologie“ im Rahmen der NRW-Förderlinie "digiFellows" (Fellowships für Innovationen in der digitalen Hochschullehre) durch die Universität Münster
    2024Stipendium für Auslandsaufenthalt USA, Heinrich Hertz-Stiftung
    2024Auszeichnung "Lehrer des Jahres", Fachschaft Medizin der Universität Münster
  • Mitgliedschaften