Carsten Reißner
Dr. rer. nat.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Institut für Anatomie & Molekulare Neurobiologie

Vesaliusweg 2-4
48149 Münster

Telefon: +49 (0) 251 83-50237
Telefax: +49 (0) 251 83-50248
Email: Carsten Reißner

  • Lebenslauf

    Beruflicher Werdegang

    1984-1985Krankenpflegeausbildung (Marine)
    1986-1992Nordstadt-Khs., Hannover
     Studium der Biochemie, Universität  Hannover, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover
    1989London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, Hoechst AG, Frankfurt/Main
    1992Diplomarbeit, Institut für Klinische Chemie II, Oststadt-Khs. Hannover
    1992-1998Max-Planck Institut für Biochemie, Martinsried, MPG/ASMB c/o DESY, Hamburg
    Institut für Mikrobiologie, Universität Frankfurt/Main.
    1999-2005Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie, Magdeburg
    Institute of Neurobiology, University of Alabama, Alabama, Human Science Frontier Program
    2002-2005Cortico GbR
    2005-2006Institut für Biologie, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
    DFG Forschungszentrum Molekularphysiologie des Gehirns, Institut für Neuro- & Pathophysiologie, Ernst-August Universität Göttingen
    2007Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie, Magdeburg
    seit 2008Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für Anatomie & Molekulare Neurobiologie, Universitätsklinikum der Universität Münster
    2009Promotion (Dr. rer. nat.), Institut für Biologie, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
  • Publikationen

    Originalarbeiten (nur „peer-reviewed“):

    1. Reissner, C. und Gässler, N., Glykosaminoglykane-Quantitativer Nachweis und Verteilungsmuster in humanem Blut. Bioforum, 1992. 10: p. 366-368.
    2. Gässler, N., Reissner, C., Janzen, N., Kahnert, H. und Kleesiek, K., A high performance liquid chromatography method for the determination of glycosaminoglycans in human blood. Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem, 1993. 31(8): p. 503-511.
    3. Wu, H., Reissner, C., Kuhlendahl, S., Coblentz, B., Reuver, S., Kindler, S., Gundelfinger, E.D. und Garner, C.C., Intramolecular interactions regulate SAP97 binding to GKAP. Embo J, 2000. 19(21): p. 5740-5751.
    4. Seidenbecher, C.I., Reissner, C., und Kreutz, M.R., Caldendrins in the inner retina. Adv Exp Med Biol, 2002. 514: p. 451-463.
    5. Dieterich, D.C., Landwehr, M., Reissner, C., Smalla, K.H., Richter, K., Wolf, G., Bockers, T.M., Gundelfinger, E.D. und Kreutz, M.R., Gliap--a novel untypical L-asparaginase localized to rat brain astrocytes. J Neurochem, 2003. 85(5): p. 1117-1125.
    6. Seidenbecher, C.I., Landwehr, M., Smalla, K.H., Kreutz, M., Dieterich, D.C., Zuschratter, W., Reissner, C., Hammarback, J.A., Bockers, T.M., Gundelfinger, E.D. und Kreutz, M.R., Caldendrin but not calmodulin binds to light chain 3 of MAP1A/B: an association with the microtubule cytoskeleton highlighting exclusive binding partners for neuronal Ca2+-sensor proteins. J Mol Biol, 2004. 336(4): p. 957-970.
    7. Mikhaylova, M., Sharma, Y., Reissner, C., Falko Nagel, Aravind, P., Rajini, B., Smalla, K.-H., Gundelfinger, E.D. und Kreutz, M.R., Neuronal Ca2+ signaling via caldendrin and calneurons. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 2006. 1763(11): p. 1229-1237.
    8. Jose, M., Nair, D.K., Reissner, C., Hartig, R. und Zuschratter, W., Photophysics of Clomeleon by FLIM: discriminating excited state reactions along neuronal development. Biophysical Journal, 2007. 92: p. 2237-2254.
    9. Lehmann, K., Seemann, P., Silan, F., Goecke, T., Irgang, S., Kjaer, K., Kjaergaard, S., Mahoney, M., Morlot, S., Reissner, C., Kerr, B., Wilkie, A. und Mundlos, S., A New Subtype of Brachydactyly Type B Caused by Point Mutations in the Bone Morphogenetic Protein Antagonist NOGGIN. Am J Hum Genet, 2007. 81(2): p. 388-396.
    10. Dieterich, D.C., Karpova, A., Mikhaylova, M., Zdobnova, I., Konig, I., Landwehr, M., Kreutz, M., Smalla, K.H., Richter, K., Landgraf, P., Reissner, C., Boeckers, T.M., Zuschratter, W., Spilker, C., Seidenbecher, C.I., Garner, C.C., Gundelfinger, E.D. und Kreutz, M.R., Caldendrin-Jacob: a protein liaison that couples NMDA receptor signalling to the nucleus. PLoS Biol, 2008. 6(2): p. 286-306.
    11. Fairless, R., Ahmad, M., Masius, H., Rohlmann, A., Heupel, K., Reissner, C., Dresbach, T. und Missler, M., Polarized targeting of neurexins to synapses is regulated by their c-terminal sequences. J Neuroscience. 2008. 28(48): p. 12969-12981
    12. Reissner, C., Klose, M., Fairless, R. und Missler, M. (2008) Mutational analysis of the neurexin/neuroligin complex reveals essential and regulatory components. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(39): p. 15124-15129. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0801639105.
    13. Seemann, P., Brehm, A., König, J., Reissner, C., Stricker, S., Kuss, P., Haupt, J., Renninger, S., Nickel, J., Sebald, W., Groppe, J.C., Plöger, F., Pohl, J., Schmidt-von Kegler, M., Walther, M., Gassner, I., Rusu, C., Janecke, A.R., Dathe, K., Mundlos, S. (2009) Mutations in GDF5 Reveal a Key Residue Mediating BMP Inhibition by NOGGIN. PLoS Genetics 5(11): e1000747. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000747
    14. Reissner, C. and Missler, M. (2011) Unveiled alpha-Neurexins Take Center Stage. Structure 19(6): p. 749-50; doi: 10.1016/j.str.2011.05.005
    15. Niesmann K., Breuer D., Brockhaus J., Born G., Wolff I., Reissner C., Kilimann M.W., Rohlmann A. and Missler M. (2011) Dendritic spine formation and synaptic function require neurobeachin; Nat. Commun. 2:557; doi: 10.1038/ncomms1565
    16. Richter S., Gorny X., Marco-Pallares J., Krämer U., Machts J., Barman A., Bernstein H.-G., Schüle R., Schöls L., Rodriguez-Fornells A., Reissner C., Wüstenberg T., Heinze H.-J., Gundelinger E., Düzel E., Münte T., Seidenbecher C. and Schott B. (2011). A potential role for a genetic variation of AKAP5 in human aggression and anger control; Front. Hum. Neurosci. 5:175; doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2011.00175
    17. Gorny X., Mikhaylova M., Seeger C., Reddy P.P., Reissner C., Schott B.H., Helena Danielson U., Kreutz M.R., and Seidenbecher C., (2012). AKAP79/150 Interacts with the Neuronal Calcium-Binding Protein Caldendrin. Journal of Neurochemistry, doi: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2012.07828.x.
    18. Duning K., Wennmann D.O., Bokemeyer A., Reissner C., Wersching H., Thomas C., Buschert J., Guske K., Franzke V., Floel A., Lohmann H., Knecht S., Brand S.M., Poter M., Rescher U., Missler M., Seelheim P., Propper C., Boeckers T.M., Makuch L., Huganir R., Weide T., Brand E., Pavenstadt H., Kremerskothen J., (2013) Common exonic missense variants in the C2 domain of the human KIBRA protein modify lipid binding and cognitive performance. Transl Psychiatry 3:e272; doi: 10.1038/tp.2013.49
    19. Runkel F., Rohlmann A., Reissner C., Brand S. M. and Missler M. (2013) Promoter-like sequences regulating transcriptional activity in neurexin and neuroligin genes. J Neurochem. 127(1):36-47 doi: 10.1111/jnc.12372
    20. Degenkolbe E., König J., Zimmer J., Walther M., Reißner C., Nickel J., Plöger F., Raspopovic J., Sharpe J., Dathe K., Hecht J. T., Mundlos S., Doelken S. C., and Seemann P. (2013) A GDF5 Point Mutation Strikes Twice - Causing BDA1 and SYNS2. PLoS Genet 9(10):e1003846
    21. Reissner C., Runkel F. and Missler M., (2013) Neurexins. Genome biology 14(9):213; doi: 10.1186/gb-2013-14-9-213
    22. Born G., Breuer D., Wang S., Rohlmann A., Coulon P., Vakili P., Reissner C., Kiefer F., Heine M., Pape H.C., Missler M. (2014) Modulation of synaptic function through the α-neurexin-specific ligand neurexophilin-1. PNAS 111(13):E1274–E1283; doi: 10.1073/pnas.1312112111
    23. Haupt J., Deichsel A., Stange K., Ast C., Bocciardi R., Ravazzolo R., Rocco M. D., Ferrari P., Landi A., Kaplan F. S., Shore E. M., Reissner C. and Seemann P. (2014) ACVR1 p.Q207E causes classic fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva and is functionally distinct from the engineered constitutively active ACVR1 p.Q207D variant; Hum. Mol. Genet. 23(20):5364-5377; doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddu255
    24. Reissner C., Stahn J., Breuer D., Klose M., Pohlentz G., Mormann M. and Missler M. (2014) Dystroglycan Binding to α-Neurexin Competes with Neurexophilin-1 and Neuroligin in the Brain. J Biol Chem 289(40):27585-27603; doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.595413
    25. Reissner C. and Missler M. (2014) MAGUKs end a tale of promiscuity. PNAS 111(49):17350–17351; doi: 10.1073/pnas.1420387111
    26. Neupert C., Schneider R., Klatt O., Reissner C., Repetto D., Biermann B., Niesmann K., Missler M. and Heine M. (2015) Regulated Dynamic Trafficking of Neurexins Inside and Outside of Synaptic Terminals; J Neurosci 35(40):13629-47; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4041-14.2015
    27. Gundelfinger E.D., Reissner C. and Garner C.C. (2015) Role of Bassoon and Piccolo in assembly and molecular organization of the active zone; Synaptic Neurosci. 7:19; doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2015.00019
    28. Bharat V., Siebrecht M., Burk K., Ahmed S., Reissner C., Kohansal-Nodehi M., Steubler V., Zweckstetter M., Ting J.T. and Dean C. (2017) Capture of Dense Core Vesicles at Synapses by JNK-Dependent Phosphorylation of Synaptotagmin-4; Cell Reports 21(8):2118-2133; doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.10.084
    29. Repetto D., Brockhaus J., Rhee H.J., Lee C.K., Kilimann M.W., Rhee J. S., Northoff L.M., Guo W., Reissner C., Missler M. (2018) Molecular Dissection of Neurobeachin Function at Excitatory Synapses; Front Synaptic Neurosci 10:28; doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2018.00028
    30. Brockhaus J., Schreitmüller M., Repetto D., Klatt O., Reissner C., Elmslie K., Heine M., Missler M. (2018) α-Neurexins together with α2δ-1 auxiliary subunits regulate Ca2+ influx through CaV2.1 channels; J Neurosci 38(38):8277-8294; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0511-18.2018
    31. Lin A.Y., Henry S., Reissner C., Neupert C., Kenny C., Missler M., Beffert U., Ho A. (2019) A rare autism-associated MINT2/APBA2 mutation disrupts neurexin trafficking and synaptic function; Sci Rep. 9:6024; doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-42635-7
    32. Pan Y. E., Tibbe D., Harms F. L., Reissner C., Becker K., Dingmann B., Mirzaa G., Kattentidt-Mouravieva A. A., Shoukier M., Aggarwal S., Missler M., Kutsche K., and Kreienkamp H. J. (2020) Missense mutations in CASK interfere with neurexin binding and neurexin-induced oligomerization; J. Neurochem 157(4):1331-1350; doi: 10.1111/jnc.15215
    33. Darici D., Reissner C., Brockhaus J., Missler M. (2021) Implementation of a fully digital histology course in the anatomical teaching curriculum during COVID-19 pandemic; Ann Anat 236:151718; doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2021.151718
    34. Klatt O., Repetto D., Brockhaus J., Reissner C., El Khallouqi A., Rohlmann A., Heine M., Missler M. (2021) Endogenous β-neurexins on axons and within synapses show regulated dynamic behavior; Cell Rep. 35(11):109266; doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109266
    35. Tibbe D., Pan Y.E., Reißner C., Harms F.L., Kreienkamp H.J. (2021) Functional analysis of CASK transcript variants expressed in human brain; PLoS ONE 16(6):e0253223; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253223
    36. William N., Reissner C., Sargent R., Darlington T.M., DiBlasi E., Li Q.S., Keeshin B., Callor W.B., Ferris E., Jerominski L., Smith K.R., Christensen E.D., Gray D.M., Camp N.J., Missler M., Williams M.E., Coon H. (2021) Neurexin 1 variants as risk factors for suicide death; Mol Psychiatry; doi: 10.1038/s41380-021-01190-2
    37. Grochowska K.M., Gomes G.M., Raman R., Kaushik R., Sosulina L., Kaneko H., Oelschlegel A.M., Yuanxiang P., Reyes-Resina I., Bayraktar G., Samer S., Spilker C., Woo M.S., Morawski M., Goldschmidt J., Friese M.A., Rossner S., Brugal G.N., Remy S., Reissner C., Karpova A., Kreutz M. (2023) Jacob-induced transcriptional inactivation of CREB promotes Aβ-induced synapse loss in Alzheimer's disease; The EMBO Journal 42(4):e112453; doi: 10.15252/embj.2022112453
       CBBS Paper of the year 2022
    38. Darici D., Reissner C., Missler M. (2023) Webcam-based eye-tracking to measure visual expertise of medical students during online histology training; GMS J Med Educ 40(5):Doc60; doi: 10.3205/zma001642
    39. Koumoundourou A., Rannap M., De Bruyckere E., Nestel S., Reissner C., Egorov A.V., Liu P., Missler M., Heimrich B., Draguhn A., Britsch S. (2024) Regulation of hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 synapse function by a Bcl11b/C1ql2/Nrxn3(25b+) pathway; eLife 12:RP89854; doi: 10.7554/eLife.89854
    40. Brockhaus J., Kahl I., Ahmad M., Repetto D., Reissner C., Missler M. (2024) Conditional Knockout of Neurexins Alters the Contribution of Calcium Channel Subtypes to Presynaptic Ca2+ Influx; Cells 13(11), 981; doi: 10.3390/cells13110981  -  [ epub ahead of print ]


    1. Braunewell, K.-H., C. Reissner, and E.D. Gundelfinger, Visinin-like proteins (VILIPs) - Emerging role in cross-talk between cellular signaling pathways, in CALCIUM The Molecular Basis of Calcium Action in Biology and Medicine, R. Pochet, Editor. 2000, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Brussels, Belgium.
    2. Fairless, R., C. Reissner, and M. Missler, Role of neuroligin binding to neurexins in synaptic organization, in Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptogenesis, A. El-Husseini and A. Dityatev, Editors. 2006, Springer Verlag. p. 111-124.
  • Patente


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    • Anatomische Gesellschaft