29. Ernst Klenk Symposium in Molecular Medicine in Cologne

29. Ernst Klenk Symposium in Molecular Medicine
Systems Approaches in Translational Medicine
Sept. 29 - Oct. 01, 2013 in Cologne

Registration and participation in the Ernst Klenk Symposium 2013 is free!
Call for submission of abstracts for poster presentation (Deadline June, 20, 2013)

Dear Colleagues
Dear Students
Dear Friends

It gives us great pleasure to invite you and interested members of your institution to the 29. Ernst Klenk Symposium in Molecular Medicine 2013 on "Systems Approaches in Translational Medicine". This three-day event from Sept. 29 through Oct. 01, 2013 takes place in the Main Lecture Hall of the Medical Faculty, University of Cologne, Germany and is organized by the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC) in collaboration with the MPI for Biology of Ageing and CECAD Cologne.

We are very pleased to announce that Prof. Michael B. Yaffe - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Cambridge (USA) was substantially involved in the scientific coordination of the program.

We are proud to present a program that covers a wide range of important aspects of systems approaches in translational medicine.The focus areas of the Klenk Symposium 2013 include:

•    Session I          Genomes and gene networks in human disease
•    Session II         Ageing and age-related disease
•    Session III        Systems approaches in translational oncology
•    Session IV        Systems biology and beyond
Ernst Klenk Lecture

As one major highlight of the meeting Michael B. Yaffe will present as honorary guest speaker the traditional Ernst Klenk Lecture 2013 on Monday, Sept. 30, 2013 at 6 p.m.

Poster Presentation - Call for submission of poster abstracts
We are pleased to invite all participants to submit abstracts for the poster presentation at the symposium related to one of the topics of the sessions (deadline for abstract submission: June 20, 2013).

For further information (Klenk program 2013, guest speaker overview, poster presentation), please visit the CMMC webpage:

Registration and participation in the Ernst Klenk Symposium 2013 is free of charge!
We are expecting a highly interactive meeting sparked by a panel of internationally renowned speakers who will discuss their latest research developments with an audience of scientists, physicians and in particular students. The poster session as well as a free  Welcome-Get-Together on Sunday, 29 Sept. 2013 for all participants after the scientific program will further promote scientific exchange.

We are looking forward to welcoming you!

Best regards

Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Benzing
Chair  -  Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne

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