Elisabeth Schrammen, M.Sc.
PhD student
+49 (0) 251 83-51856
Research Profiles
Open Science Framework osf.io/vuebm/ Research Gate www.researchgate.net/profile/Elisabeth-Schrammen Academic Career
06/2020 present Research assistant, Institute for Translational Psychiatry, University of Münster 10/2015 03/2018 M.Sc. Psychology, University of Münster (Major: Cognitive Neuroscience) 10/2012 08/2015 B.Sc. Psychology, University of Münster Clinical Work and Training
04/2018 present Training Psychological Psychotherapist (CBT) at APV Münster 10/2020 present Clinical psychologist at APV Münster 06/2018 05/2020 Clinical psychologist at Christoph Dornier Klinik Münster Awards, scholarships, and competitive funds
2021 DAAD Research Scholarship for PhD Students 2012 - 2020 Student Scholarship, German Academic Scholarship Foundation Forschung
Research Interests
Working as a clinical psychologist, I'm experiencing firsthand how effective psychotherapy can be – and how often it fails to sufficiently improve patients' well-being. This motivates me gaining deeper insights into underlying mechanisms that might help to improve therapeutic success in the long run. I'm particularly interested in questions on how psychotherapy relates to brain functioning in anxiety disorders: Do psychotherapeutic interventions shape brain functioning and what does this tell us about potential mechanisms of change? Can therapeutic success be improved by interventions targeting cortical areas associated to better outcome? Is there a link between patients' individual genetic predisposition, brain functioning and therapeutic success?
Abroad residence
02-04/2023 University of Melbourne, Australia (lab of Prof. Ben Harrison)