Dr. rer. nat. Janik Goltermann
+49 (0)251 83-51880
Projects: ReMAP, MACE, CARE; ReFiNe - MDD
Research Profiles
X x.com/JanikGoltermann Open Science Framework osf.io/87v9y/ ORCID id orcid.org/0000-0003-3087-1002 Research Gate www.researchgate.net/profile/Janik-Goltermann Academic Committee Activities/Positions
04/2024 present Member of the Coordination Committee of the Münster Center of Open Science (MüCOS) 04/2024 present Board member of the Münster Center of Open Science (MüCOS) Academic Career
12/2022 present Postdoc position at the Institute for Translational Psychiatry, University of Münster, Germany 06/2018 12/2022 PhD position at the Institute for Translational Psychiatry, University of Münster, Germany – concluded with Dr. rer. nat., summa cum laude 10/2011 11/2016 Psychology studies at the Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany – degrees: B.Sc. and M.Sc. Psychology Clinical Work and Training
05/2022 present Certified CBT therapist at the outpatient center PTA-Münster, Germany 01/2017 04/2022 Training as Psychological Psychotherapist (CBT) concluding with Approbation at the Institute for Psychological Psychotherapy (IPP) Münster, Germany Awards, scholarships, and competitive funds
07/2022 ECNP Excellence Award – ECNP Congress, Vienna, Austria 12/2021 Travel Fellowship Award for the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, New Orleans, LA, USA 09/2021 ECNP Excellence Award – ECNP Congress, Lisbon, Portugal 03/2019 ECNP Workshop, Nice, France – poster award and travel grant for the ECNP Congress 2019 03/2019 Travel grant for the 2019 ECNP Workshop, Nice, France Research
Research Interests