Luisa Altegoer, M.Sc.
PhD student
+49 (0)251 83-51856


Projects: ReFiNe-MDD




  • Lebenslauf

    Research Profiles

    Open Science Framework
    ORCID id
    Research Gate

    Academic Career

    07/2024 present PhD position at the Institute of Translational Psychiatry
    10/2019 06/2021 Master of Science in psychology at University of Münster; Major: Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychopathology
    10/2016 09/2019 Bachelor of Science in psychology at University of Münster

    Clinical Work and Training

    07/2023 present Psychotherapist in training at APV Münster (out-patient psychotherapy)
    10/2021 present Training in psychotherapy, focus on cognitive-behavioral therapy at Gesellschaft für Angewandte Psychologie und Verhaltensmedizin mbH Münster (APV Münster)
    09/2023 04/2024 Psychotherapist in training at Klinik für Psychosomatische Medizin & Psychotherapie, AMEOS Klinikum Osnabrück (in-patient psychotherapy)
    09/2021 08/2023 Psychotherapist in training at Christoph-Dornier-Klinik Münster (in-patient psychotherapy)
  • Forschung

    Research Interests

    • Brain structural and functional correlates of anxiety disorders and depression
    • Replicability of neuroimaging research and open science practices 
    • Clinical, neurobiological, and psychological predictors of (individual) treatment responses


    Research projects